Thursday, 27 March 2025


 THE RANGE Vol 66 No17                                                             

Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker John Wagner from Mercy Ship.

Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.

                       02Apr          16Apr               07May                              
DO                 Sherryl G     Chris B            Jim A 
ADO              Roly N          Su C               Greg W
Registration   Rick V          Laurelle O       Brian A
Fellowship     Fran T          Malcolm B       Bruce K

26Apr  0830 - 1100   Sherryl G   John & Bernice McL

            1100 - 1330   Neil A   Paulette S   Scott W

24May 0830 - 1100  Bruce K   Fran T   Chris B  

             1100 - 1330  Jim A   Greg W   Lionel T

Thanks to everyone who came along for an informative and fun meeting highlighted by Paulette's expose of the inner workings of ‘Hard Quiz’. It was a full house and wonderful welcoming our Guests, Gloria Rogers, Sissel Kelly, and Nancy Baker, plus Nancy & Malcolms’ ‘Canadian’ Granddaughter Autumn and her friend Jaren.
While Paulette didn’t win the Big Brass Bucket, she very obviously had an absolutely fabulous time being treated like a ‘Star’ in Melbourne, and ultimately came away with a great life experience….which she has encouraged others to consider!
On a sadder note, we acknowledged the passing of Rev. Ray Townsend, who was a member through the nineties where he performed the Secretary's role for many years, ultimately being recognised with a PHF for his service.
In other news, Rick Vickers has confirmed the Wood Expo will not be happening this year. Hopefully, a way to resurrect this big Maleny event will be found in coming years, but it does put a dent in our Annual Fundraising. This makes the Maleny Show even more important to our club. Roly has asked for us all to put our ‘Thinking Caps’ on because he’s looking for food ideas which can give our Stand that sense of ‘newness’ while being practical and profitable. 
Finally, if members have interesting or novel ideas for raising extra income I’d be very interested in hearing them. Profit isn’t our mantra, but more funds raised directly equates to more funds distributed through our Community, and Rotary.
In the short-term we are running a couple raffles which should raise around $5000. First, we have the Craig Williams’ 2019 Melbourne Cup winning ‘Vow & Declare’ memorabilia which Greg and Bruce hope to sell at Corbould Park during the Caloundar Cup Carnival. This will be followed by a chance to win four tickets to attend the Asian Food Festival at Spicers Tamarind in August.
Several of us are heading off to the District Conference this weekend. Unlike Vegas, I look forward to telling you all what happens in Toowoomba.    

It was a well-attended meeting, possibly drawn by the highlight of hearing our own ABC super star, PP Paulette, regale us with her experience of participating in the TV show Hard Quiz. Partners Sissel, Nancy, Gloria and Nancy & Malcolm’s granddaughter and friend from Peace River, Northwest Alberta, Canada were welcomed as well as Gary West, a potential new member.
Items mentioned –
The cancelled Bike Swap may now be held on 13/14 June
The Tamarind Resort have given us two tickets for the Asian Food Festival in early August while our Club has purchased a further two tickets to be raffled as a fundraiser.
Sherryl requested that we spread the word of the upcoming ‘Safe and Savvy Seniors Forum’ to be held 1st April from 9am to noon at the Uniting Church.
There will be no Pizza van at our Show Stall this year;  we need to think about alternative food for young children.
The MEFS has received many requests for assistance this year and has proved to be a valuable project for many disadvantaged children.
The ‘Clean up the Obi’ exercise was well supported with 61 participants. A second clean up is scheduled for 1st April.
Probus Club is keen to have signage showing the sites of Defibrillators in Maleny – James McC to check their location with a view to providing signage.
The seats in the Memorial Walk of Remembrance at the Hospital need refurbishment which will be done by the Blackall Range Woodies.

Paulette began her presentation by saying that she has enjoyed Hard Quiz from day one; so she sent in her application form to be on the show and was auditioned  in 2021. Because Victoria was still in lockdown, auditions were held via Zoom and Paulette went through three Zoom sessions of decreasing numbers in each one before being finally told she was through and would be on the show. She thought she had been forgotten until, in July 2024, she received a phone call from one of the producers of the show who asked if she was available on a particular date in September for filming of the show. They arranged and paid for her airfares down and her accommodation in an apartment hotel across the road from the ABC studios in Southbank, Melbourne. They also reimbursed her for any other out-of-pocket travel expenses like taxis and Uber.

Paulette said she thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience, feeling like a celebrity or rockstar with the treatment she received whilst being flown down to Melbourne and being put up in a hotel for the night. Then, at the television studios, she had her own dressing room with her name on the door, and a gourmet food parcel waiting for her inside. She then spent an hour in the hair and makeup room which really made her feel special.  Everyone was so lovely from the wardrobe, hair and makeup people through to the sound and studio crew. All four of the contestants bonded as they were all in the same boat. They filmed about 50% more than they used and, when they stopped filming at different times, the makeup lady would come over and comb her fringe and put more powder on her nose and chin which really made her feel like a rockstar.

All in all, Paulette loved the entire experience and found it really entertaining. She is hopeful that they might invite her back for the Battle of the Duds when previous losers are paired up to win the brass mug, albeit with a hole in the bottom. She'd love to relive the experience over again.

Neal gave the vote of thanks.

Chris had earlier performed his usual act of extracting funds from members using made-up fairytale stories.

The meeting closed at 8:30pm.

01Apr  Second round of "Clean Up The Obi."
09Apr  Board Meeting.
16Apr  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting.
07May  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speakers Jenni Harmoney and Ernie Marcum from WAM (Waste Action Maleny)