Friday, 29 November 2024

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 4th December 2024

 THE RANGE Vol 66 No11                                                                     

Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speakers Katy Forde and Aleathea Monsour on their musical "A Girl's Guide To World War".

Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.

                       04Dec             18Dec 
DO                 Sherryl G         Greg W              
ADO               Renee H          Rick V             
Registration   John McL         Craig S     
Fellowship      Lionel T           Neil A      

07 Dec   0830 - 1100  Bernice & John McL  James McC   

             1100 - 1330  Bruce K   Chris B   Sue C

04 Jan  0830 - 1100   Roly N   Sherryl G   Brian A 

            1100 - 1330   Jim A   Greg W   Paulette S

After the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting, IPP Paulette opened the meeting by welcoming members present and noting apologies from P Scott W, Chris B, Keith R, Craig S, Andy S, Renee H and Bill H.
- Sherryl G gave an update for Speak Up Now with respect to events during 16 days of action:
(a) 20 November Sherryl G and Rita from Zonta attended the River School for Year 1 for another very successful respect and kindness workshop, followed by kite making and decoration. It was too wet to fly the kites.
(b) Opening of the 12th Red Bench at MDSRC Clubhouse Verandah at 9.30 am on 28 November. 
Lions has organised the event as they have paid for the Red Bench to be made by Malcolm Baker and Angelo from Maleny Mens Shed.
Greg W attending on behalf of MDSRC and Sherryl G, Bruce K and Fran T on behalf of Rotary and SUN. 
(c) Walk Against Domestic and Family Violence & Elder Abuse organised for 29 November commencing from 9.30 am outside Renee's Barbers Shop at Riverside Centre Maleny – Walk up to Whit And Whimsey for coffee past all participating Maleny Business including Mitre 10, Maleny+IGA, Easton Lawyers, Maleny Comms in Rotary Purple SUN Shirts; after coffee walk to Maleny Neighbourhood Centre. 
(d) A 13th Red Bench is also due for an official opening on 8 Dec at the Baptist Church. 
(e) Another Kite Workshop is also planned for Mapleton State School.

- Rick V raised the following items:
(a) Shelter Box
We have received a Bronze Award for our recent generous donation. 
(b) Maleny Wood Expo
Steve McLeish, as the Co-Ordinator of the event for Barung Landcare, has advised that the Maleny Wood Expo has been cancelled, but they are thinking about relocating it to the long weekend in October 2025, especially with the SCC Music Event scheduled for October now being cancelled.
(c) Sunshine Coast Hinterland Australia Day Expo event is up and running again this year. Greg W will lodge the registration form on behalf of Maleny Rotary for at least our new 6x3 RC Maleny Marquee- no powered site required.
Please note that our Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine raffle is to be drawn at 10.30 am at the Expo Event. 

Greg W will also be publishing the rules for the “What Australia Day Means to Me” Writing Competition in the Glasshouse Country and Maleny News.

He has also just received advice that the Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony in Maleny has been approved.
Michael G spoke about issues impacting on membership loss worldwide, and particularly in western nations like Great Britain and Australia, as opposed to Asian Nations where membership is up. Factors include club culture, unmet expectations, pressures, and other financial obligations.
Ric T spoke about the club analysis that he had undertaken several years ago where he had made a double blind analysis of issues and is a good comparison for our Membership team to use. 

Bruce K gave an update regarding our raffle to raise funds for Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine.
(a) Funds are in the process of being sent to RC of Cracow to enable them to purchase generators asap before Xmas and the extreme cold and to then ensure delivery of those generators to the members of the RC of Chekasy RC in Ukraine for distribution. 
(b) All indications to date show our community is very strongly in support of this project. 
(c) Greg W and Bruce K are selling raffle tickets at the Maleny IGA on three mornings a week. Sales progress has been steady, but an injection of time and energy and assistance from other club members and potentially other sales locations will be required to sell all tickets by 26 Jan 2025.

Bernice McL spoke about the organisation of our Xmas Party on 18 December.
(a) Venue- MDSRC Clubhouse MCP - Parkland Drive North Maleny 
(b) Food to be provided by the Vietnamese Restaurant who cater for takeaway meals 
(c) Cost agreed at $35 per head
(d) Partners welcome
(e) Special Guests including Friends of Rotary – Jeff and Jan Cornfoot, Alan and Mary Wilson, John Bolton, udy Fredricksen, Irmgard, Brian and Anne King, David and Rosemary Burnett. 
(f) Small Committee established to include Paulette S, James McC, Sherryl G, Bernice & John McL, Rick V, Fran T(Reserve) and GW. 
(g) Drinks BYO and Brown Paper Bag. Club moved to use the $200 bequested by Dick Andrews for club drinks. 

Meeting closed 8.32 PM 

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.

06Dec  Maleny Street Party

11Dec   Board Meeting.

18Dec  Christmas Party at the Berseheba Museum

25Dec  MERRY CHRISTMAS and Maleny Neighbourhood Centre Xmas Breakfast


08Jan  Social meeting - details to follow

15Jan  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7.00 pm for a Business Meeting.

26Jan  Australia Day Expo