THE RANGE Vol 66 No13
Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speakers Amanda Thornton
from Mark & Sylvie's Home Care and local Rick
Harris to talk about receiving the Apprentice of the Year from a Rotary Club in WA decades
Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.
05Feb 19Feb 05Mar
DO Chris B James McC Neil A
ADO Paulette S Ric T Bruce K
Registration John McL Su C Brian A
Fellowship Bruce K John W Craig S
01Mar 0830 - 1100 John & Bernice McL James McC
1100 - 1330 Jim A Greg W Chris B
29Mar 0830 - 1100 Ric V Lionel T Su C
1100 - 1330 Roly N Phillip S Andy S
PP Paulette opened the meeting in the absence of President Scott, who was attending a Community Safety meeting, and would arrive a little later. She began with the arrangements for Australia Day: Bernice had spoken with Paulette on what we had available to hand out to the public. They will have a look in the container for possible material. Paulette asked Bruce if he had anything on Ukraine to display, and the posters which were used when selling the raffle tickets could be displayed. Bruce could also talk to people.
Rick V took over and explained that Rotary would erect two tents with Interact's tent right beside those. Interact will be running the Youth Games, Obstacle Course, Gum Boot Throwing, etc. It was noted that Speak Up Now also had its own tent. Even though the Shelter Box will not be erected this year, Jim suggested that we have a Box on display, with a sign explaining what it is. Ric V noted that for people who have not been to the Australia Day Expo before, the Shelter Box and Ukraine would be vehicles for discussion. What we really need is something that shows we do support our local community.
President Scott then took the lead. He mentioned the Disaster Management Fund and the Education Support Fund. However, neither of these are advertised out in the community. Roly reminded us that people do not know where the money comes from. The only people who know are the School Principals. Ric V then gave a run down on Australia Day event and what things we would be promoting/advertising to the public from our display. This would also include info on Interact. Su suggested that it could be a good idea to add a QR Code to our Website. Anyone can go there for information.
Scott mentioned the District Conference being held in Toowoomba from the 28–30th March, and urged those attending to make sure accommodation is booked. If you want a choice of places, now is the time to get in. Scott will be attending. We have also received an invitation from the Caloundra Club to a fundraiser for the Australian Rotary Health Foundation. It is being held on the 8th February, with RSVP by 31st January. The cost is $60.00 per head. Scott feels it would be good event to support.
With regards to the Ukraine raffle, Bruce reported that we will probably hit about 73% of tickets sold. Customers are coming back for the 2nd and 3rd time to buy more tickets. We have covered the prize, and made a contribution to the donation we made to Ukraine. However, we have had no response from other Clubs in the area. We should get $7,000-00 back. There was a hope that the generators may have been delivered over the weekend. When Bruce has photos of the generators, he will get them to the Glasshouse Country News. That article will also be sent to Rotary Down Under, and should include the whole story about where it all started, together with photos. Paulette pointed out that we still have the racing memorabilia to raffle, and the proceeds from that can also go to Ukraine. Scott commended the work that Bruce and Greg have both done with this project. We all applaud them. It is tough in a small community to raise this amount of money.
Roly reported that the Motorcycle Swap is happening on 9 March. The organisers are coming up at the end of January to look at the venue and Roly will be meeting with them. Scott would also like to attend the meeting. We learned a lot from last year. We will utilise the Cricket Pavilion and the room next door. This will give us the preparation area and the selling area. Roly believes we can do much better than last year, and he will certainly be looking for volunteers.
Ric T enquired about Kiva. Paulette advised that Sherryl G gave a Report to the last Board meeting. That would have gone out in the Minutes.
Maleny Wood Expo, sponsored by Barung, will not be happening in May. All deadlines for bookings etc have passed. The Maleny Show Society are looking very closely at trying to hold it in the long weekend in October, but there is no guarantee this will happen.
Chris then conducted his fine session with his usual flair and flourish.
Scott thanked everyone for coming to our first meeting for the year. Our next meeting is on the 5th February, and our Board meeting is on the 29th January (this is a combined Board meeting for January and February). The 5th March will be an exciting night/meeting, as it is ‘Hard Quiz’ night, featuring our very own Paulette.
19Feb Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7.00 pm for a Business Meeting.
05Mar Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7.00 pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker our own Paulette on her experience as an ABC HARD QUIZ contestant.
There has been some grumbling about the recent hot weather, but have things really changed?