Friday, 28 October 2011

Maleny Rotary Bulletin Vol 53 No 8 for 2nd November 2011

"THE RANGE" The Rotary Club of Maleny Inc Bulletin Vol. 53 No. 18
Wednesday November 2011

THIS WEEK’S MEETING                                                              
Business meeting at Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm.                                    

Please tender meal apologies to Karen Binstead by noon Tuesday.

                                   2 Nov            9 Nov                16 Nov
Duty Officer               Chris B          John McL             Jeff C
Registration                Mike G           Bernice McL        Tony H
ADO & Scribe            Sherryl G        Andy S               Sherry W
Fellowship                  Brian A          Bill H                   Roly N

12th November
Rick Vickers (Leader)  Debra Lynde  Jeff Cornfoot  Geoff Coughlan

26th November
Keith Rogers (Leader)  John McLennan  Roly Neiper  Brian Doyle

President Greg opened the meeting by welcoming Jan Lawton from Woombye/Palmwoods Club attending to spruik tickets ($29) for the National Finals of Rotary’s Storm the Stage competition for young performers at the Brisbane Powerhouse on 27 November; and potential new member Kiwi (but we won’t hold that against him) Gary Brown. Greg also welcomed our speaker for the evening, Pantea Beigi and partners present.

Directors reported including:
1. Bernice (reporting in place of Ric who was spending 3 weeks with his wife trying to explain why he now had two dogs) about International’s plans for Thai night on 16 November to raise funds for Polio Plus.

2. Brian K (in Deb’s absence) about the progress of new building at the MSHS and hopes that the Club can help with construction of new pathways to the new building; and also awards night which Pres Greg will be attending on Thursday.

3. Charlotte seeking vocational award nominations.

4. Brian K (again) spruiking the No Brainer’s Ball and recommending that the Board agree to buy a table of 8 as a donation. Xmas party is on 14 December and from 21st the Club will take 3-week break.

5. Angela thanked members for completing projects while she was away; shared information about offer of Marek Malter to relocate the sausage sizzle because of work to Community Centre to his private land adjacent to the pharmacy; advertised a request for volunteers for tree planting at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre on 29 Oct from 10 to noon. Angela also shared the intoxicating secret of a long and happy marriage!

6. Brian A sought assistance with the sales of Melbourne Cup tickets and calendars.

7. Greg in place of Rick on PR reported that Rick was disappointed with his efforts to get publicity in the Range News, though there had been publicity in HT and the Sports and Rec. newsletter.

8. Mike G reported on the sad funeral of a great Caloundra Club Rotarian Jim Adam who had died while on a Rotary project in the Solomon’s. He advised that if anyone made a donation to TRF for polio this week they would be awarded double points and encouraged members to attend the TRF seminar on 6 Nov. Mike urged the club to think about a TRF project for funding next year – maybe related to the new building at MSHS.

Stand in sergeant Pat did the usual extraction of gold??? coins including an incendiary joke and Geoff won the scratchy.

Brian K innovatively introduced our keynote speaker, Pantea Beigi, a current Peace Scholar at the University of Queensland. (Mike G – have you removed Pantea’s photo from under your pillow yet?!).  Pantea engaged us with the fascinating details of the road from her experiences of war and deprivation of human rights in Iran in her youth, to her role in 2009 in acting as the conduit for people in Iran drawing the world’s attention to the activities of an oppressive regime in that country following the controversial elections; and now the privilege of a Rotary Peace Scholarship.

 Pantea shared that despite high educational standards in Iran for both men and women and the involvement of women in government, a woman was valued at only half that of a man and laws were so unpredictable from day to day that women could be arrested for simply wearing a scarf of a particular colour. Pantea confirmed that she would be arrested if she returned to her homeland.

Having emigrated to the USA as a teenager, Pantea’s interest in equity and human rights led her to work with the Peace Jam Foundation in Colorado addressing the scourge of social and economic injustice affecting underprivileged young people worldwide. She also gained a degree in speech communications and journalism.

Pantea would be travelling next week to undertake a project as part of her Master’s studies, to assess the quality of treatment of Iranian refugees in Turkey. On her return in March she would continue her studies and hoped to extend into a PhD researching the impact of new communications and social media in advancing understanding of peace and contributing to methods to resolving conflict that avoided the use of arms. This is particularly topical and relevant following the impact of social media in the “Arab Spring” events

In thanking Pantea for her address to the Club, Angela expressed how in awe Club members were of her courage and contributions at only 29 years of age in supporting and protecting individuals in Iran by giving them a voice that informed the world about democratic and human rights violations in Iran and the need for new approaches to achieving peace. The Club wished her well and urged her to maintain contact and hopefully address a RYPEN event being organised by Brian K.


John Chiarotto writes from deepest Tasmania:
I think the fellows and fellowettes will be interested in the following......
I have sad news of  the jovial Reg Linton – whom many members will remember for his wall of sausages, his erudite pronouncements at meetings, and his strangely-coloured  Volvo station wagon.
It’s gone.  No, not Reg,  the Volvo - it’s been sold.  After 30 years and 300,000 kms,and at June’s insistence, Reg was forced to sell it. They now drive something Japanese.  How sad.
John Chiarotto


6th Nov  D9600 Foundation Seminar at St Columban's College.

9th Nov   AGM at Maleny Hotel.

16th Nov  Polio Plus fund raiser - A Thai Night to be held at Maleny High School with Partners welcome.

23rd Nov  Maleny Hotel with Guest Speaker Keith Rogers on "Whatever happened to CUB?".

26th Nov  No Brainer Ball at the Showgrounds to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research.


1st Charlotte G  2nd Merlin C and Sherryl G  4th Elaine A  7th Tony Holmes  11th Ric T 
20th Jenny S  23rd Elizabeth C-H  25th Bill H  29th Brian A   


7th Dick and Heather  19th Mike and Sherryl  26th Peter and Sherry 




This year there are four unusual dates: 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11, and that's not all. Take the last two digits of the year you were born and the age you will be this year and the result will add up to 111 for everyone!!!!

This is the year of MONEY. Also, this year, October has had 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays & 5 Saturdays. This happens only once every 823 years. These particular years are known as Moneybag years. The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends, money will appear in the next four days, as is explained in the Chinese feng shui. Those who don't continue the chain, won't receive. It's a mystery, but it's worth a try. Good luck to you. This only happens once in 800 years.
We could all use some good fortune!

(Any donations from this good fortune will be gratefully received by your editor!)

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