Sunday 30 March 2014

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 2nd April 2014

"THE RANGE"  Vol. 55 No. 17

Wednesday 2nd April 2014


Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm with Guest Speaker Marcelle Holdaway on Community Development.


Please tender apologies to Bernice by noon Tuesday.

                               2nd Apr           16th Apr             
Duty Officer           Jim A                  
Registration           Robin T

ADO & Scribe        Keith R
Fellowship              Bill H             

12th April

16th April


The meeting was opened by First Bloke Chris B, as a result of the continuing leave of absence of Ric T our President, to whom we sent good wishes as he supports his wife through surgery. Guests included District 9600 Assistant Governor Helen Fox, Gillian Pechey and Michael Cole King.

Lionel T spruiked the Hypothetical evening to be held at the Caloundra Pacific Club on Thursday 24th April, at the Caloundra Golf Club.

Our Assistant Governor reminded us about the upcoming Conference and confirmed that DG Trevor Taylor was back running business again.

Other announcements included the advertising of the annual photographic competition for the 2015 calendar; upcoming Bowelscan Campaign; call for volunteers  to do the car parking for Maleny Cheese Open Day on 12 April; the continuing success of the Interact Club at MSHS (16 student members), now the proud owners of the Frank Blakely Shield award in perpetuity.

Janelle Rees BEnvSc, an Environmental Scientist, Climate Reality Leader and Animal Advocate, from the 350 Organisation was our excellent speaker. Janelle has written government policies and describes herself as a passionate volunteer speaker aiming to provide communities with information to enable individuals to make up their own minds about climate change. She has attended Al Gore Foundation sessions about the Climate Reality Report and advised that when these sessions first started there were 50 attendees, last year there were 1200 worldwide attendees.

Janelle started by saying that she was aware that the topic is a polarizing issue and she was not there to change minds but to inform and encourage open discussion. Her powerpoint presentation graphically presented facts and figures to point out the changes that were being seen and recorded e.g. the change in the make up of the atmosphere as a result of greenhouse gases. In May 2013 the level of methane has increased to its highest level ever at 400 parts per million. The evidence is that as carbon dioxide levels rise, temperatures rise; and an increase in methane levels causes even higher increases in temperature. If these gases, particularly methane, continued to rise in the atmosphere they presented the risk of continuing upward trends in temperatures.

From the 1880’s the statistics showed that temperature of the earth’s atmosphere had been on an upward trajectory and in Australia for the first time this year the Bureau of Meterology had added two more colours to the temperature coding they use in their weather reports because of temperatures of over 50c.

Other facts of note were:
1.    Drought had been exceptional in Queensland where farmers were having to kill stock for lack of feed
2.    Ocean water levels were rising with a risk to the Great Barrier Reef
3.    More extreme effects of events were being seen e g the jet stream was no longer protecting the East Coast of North America leading to extreme cold conditions.
4.     The “super typhoons” like the recent Haiyon Typhoon in the Philippines.

Janelle concluded by saying that even if you were sceptical of the existence of climate change, what was the harm in living more ethically and sustainably.  After questions and in closing the acting President thanked Janelle and complimented her on her talk. He said that over the last few months the Club had had talks from excellent speakers but without offending the others, he regarded Janelle’s presentation to have been exceptional.

PS We were all pleased to see Jeff C return before the end of the meeting after he had to dash back to his place to douse the BBQ fire! When he retires from Virgin, he’ll be a shoo-in at the Rural Fire Brigade.


Our roving reporter has cabled:

Have to congratulate the Conference Committee, Saturday night was a night of pure entertainment and enjoyment.

Maroochydore RSL management and staff very competent and the meal of higher restaurant quality.

The quartet from Matthew Flinders showed maturity beyond their years with their classical renditions.

ACPA performers nothing short of brilliant.

And “Beats Workin” had the whole place moving. Haven’t seen so much pure Rock ‘n Roll for years.

In short, a most enjoyable and entertaining evening.


Chris Brooker.


9th April
Board Meeting at the Masonic Hall.

12th April
Car parking for Maleny Cheese annniversary.

16th April
Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm with Guest Speaker Rachael Stacy on India by Camel.

24th April
Caloundra Golf Club at 6:30 for 7:00pm for Hypothetical Evening with RC of Caloundra Pacific.

30th April
Vocational Night

7th May
Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm with Guest Speaker Michelle Gilmour of the Hinterland Times.

14th May
Board Meeting at the Masonic Hall.

21st May
R&USC Scholarship Awards at USC.


1st Nancy Baker  12th Chris Brooker  23rd John McLennan  27th John Whan


6th Lloyd & Shirley Larney  13th Jeff & Jan Cornfoot  26th Bill & Marlene Hankinson



An Englishman, a Scotsman, an  Irishman, a Welshman, a Latvian, a Turk, a German, an Indian, several  Americans (including a Hawaiian and an Alaskan), an Argentinean, a  Dane, an Australian, a Slovak, an Egyptian, a Japanese, a Moroccan,  a Frenchman, a New Zealander, a Spaniard, a Russian, a Guatemalan, a  Colombian, a Pakistani, a Malaysian, a Croatian, an Uzbek, a Cypriot, a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Chinese, a Sri Lankan, a Lebanese, a Cayman  Islander, a Ugandan, a Vietnamese, a Korean, a Uruguayan, a Czech, an  Icelander, a Mexican, a Finn, a Honduran, a Panamanian, an Andorran, an  Israeli, a Venezuelan, an Iranian, a Fijian, a Peruvian, an Estonian, a  Syrian, a Brazilian, a Portuguese, a Liechtensteiner, a Mongolian, a Hungarian, a Canadian, a Moldovan, a
Haitian, a Norfolk Islander, a Macedonian, a Bolivian, a Cook Islander, a Tajikistani, a Samoan, an  Armenian, an Aruban, an Albanian, a Greenlander, a Micronesian, a  Virgin Islander, a Georgian, a Bahaman, a Belarusian, a Cuban, a  Tongan, a Cambodian, a Canadian, a Qatari, an Azerbaijani, a Romanian, a Chilean, a Jamaican, a Filipino, a Ukrainian, a Dutchman, a Ecuadorian, a Costa Rican, a Swede, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Swiss, a  Greek, a Belgian, a Singaporean, an Italian, a Norwegian and 2 Africans, 

... Walk into a fine  restaurant.

"I'm sorry," says the maître d', after scrutinizing the group.

"You can't come in here  without a Thai".

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