Friday, 24 February 2023

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 1st March 2023

"THE RANGE" VOL 64 No. 16

Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Fiona Emberton of Maleny Coop.

Apologies please to Bernice before noon on Tuesday.

                       1st Mar          15 Mar           5th Apr
Duty Officer    Chris B          Lionel T          Neil A
Assist DO       Jeff C            Renee H         Craig S
Fran T           Brian A           Laurelle O
Fellowship      John W         Peter McQ      Rick V

04Mar   0730 - 1030  James McC   Jim A   Greg W 

            1030 - 1330  Paulette S   John & Bernice McL

01Apr   0730 - 1030  Peter McQ   Des C   Roly N

             1030 - 1330  Ric T   Neal A   Lionel T

Upcoming Parking Duties
It's been confirmed that we will definitely be required for the Maleny Wood Expo from Saturday 29 April through to Monday 1 May. For the many of you who have done this before, you'll know it's a big event and also a big moneymaker for the club.
Also, we've been advised our Parking services will again be required for the Queensland Music Trail event, which I understand will be on Saturday 5 August. The organizers are anticipating 5000 people to this one day event at the Maleny Showgrounds. I believe they will be parking cars in many locations, not just at the showgrounds, and people will be bussed in as well from various locations.
This will be the first year of the Sunshine Coast Trail. They already have the Outback Trail, the Scenic Rim Trail and the Southern Trail up and running now for a few years with great success.

Rotary responds to the Earthquake Disaster in Türkiye and Syria
The Rotary Foundation has undertaken specific action in response to the tragedy in Türkiye and Syria. While Rotary and Rotarians are not generally first responders, we do have clubs and members across the devastated areas, and these Rotarians have requested our help. Local clubs and members are best placed to understand the immediate needs of those affected.
In order to provide direct action, the Disaster Response option on has been replaced with a button that reads Türkiye/Syria Disaster Response Fund. This will stay active on the Rotary website till 31 March 2023.
In addition:
• The Trustees immediately made available more than $125,000 to Rotary Districts affected by the earthquake through Disaster Response Grants for immediate disaster response.
• ShelterBox aid has arrived in Türkiye with hundreds of tents on a free flight provided by Turkish Airlines from Panama – where there were stocks pre-positioned. 
• We also have stocks of tents and household items, such as blankets and mattresses, en route to one of our existing and well trusted partners in northern Syria. Distribution of warm winter clothing to affected children in northern Syria has begun through another existing partner.
• Additional ShelterBox response team members have arrived in Gaziantep, where a humanitarian hub has been set up. Having an extra team on the ground means we can be more agile and work more closely with partners as the  response is scaled up.
• Our response will focus on where the need is greatest across Syria and Türkiye through the provision of:
- emergency tents, helping people to shelter from the winter weather.
- essential aid items like warm blankets and solar lights.
- warm children's clothing in northern Syria.
For those wanting to donate to ShelterBox, for EFT, the bank details are: ShelterBox Australia, BSB 633 000, Account number 166 780 163 - Please email to notify them of your transfer and they will send you a tax receipt.

President Paulette reported that she and Greg had attended the community send-off at Landsborough for Ian Hope, District Secretary, and Glasshouse Rotary member. Ian is moving to Brisbane. Chris B and John W attended a memorial service for Charter Member David Wilson who passed away just before Christmas. Greg garnered advice from members to solve a parking dilemma at the Maleny Playhouse for the matinee performances of short plays on at the weekend. Chris B conducted a spirited fine session.

Ric T used the forum of the Business meeting to spruik support for the club Casino night fundraiser to be held at the RSL on Saturday 13 May. Ric showcased the Gangster and Flappers theme with funny money, replica guns and a jaunty hat. He appealed to members to each bring along two other people to join in the fun, party night atmosphere. Club members volunteered for such roles as Croupiers, Blackjack and other game roles as well as photographer, cashiers and chip-washers. The night should be financially successful at $60 per head, aiming for attendance of 120 people. Starting at 6pm the night will have two gaming sessions with a light supper in-between.

Member Renee enlightened us all on her vocation story. She grew up on the central coast of New South Wales near Port Macquarie. While her parents hoped she would take on a career such as a lawyer or doctor, Renee had a passion for hairdressing and moved to the Gold Coast to take up an apprenticeship. Over the years she managed a variety of salons including Stefan and high-end salons in Brisbane where she juggled the job wearing high heels- not good for her back now she has found out. 

She moved to Mossman and worked in Cairns for a while. Along the way she met Zach and they were married in 2011. They often came up to Maleny when living in Brisbane and dreamed of living up here. In early 2020 Renee bought a half share in the Maleny Barber shop in the Riverside Centre, found a rental property up in Maleny and Zach found employment in town. After a relaxing holiday up the coast she found her business partner had left and the Covid pandemic had taken hold so Renee took over the whole business on her own. Eventually she was able to hire staff and build the business up to the successful salon it is today. As much as she would love to live up in Maleny and still walk to work, she and Zach are happy in their new house down in Woodford. Thanks to Renee for telling us her vocational journey and for being a valued member of the club.
08Mar  Board Meeting

15Mar  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting.

29Mar  Possible Vocational Visit

05 Apr  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Anna Carrick of Food & Agribusiness Network.

5th Judy Tilley  26th Rick Vickers



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