Wednesday 3rd August 2011
Maleny Hotel at 6:30pm for 7:00pm. Guest speaker to be Roly Neiper who will talk about matters affecting the cattle industry.
Apologies: Please tender meal apologies to Geoff Coughlan by noon Tuesday
Unfortunately President Mike has fallen victim to the dreaded Bigpond bug and is incommunicado email-wise.
3rd Aug 10th Aug 17 Aug
Duty Officer Angela G Jeff C Ric T
Registration John W Sherry W Brian K
ADO & Scribe Bill H Tony H Keith R
Fellowship Roly N Lynda R Dick A
6th August
Lionel Tilley Angela Griffin Lloyd Larney Ric Townsend
20th August
Jeff Cornfoot John Whan Tony Holmes Roly Neiper
Little to report this week. All Directors announced their committee members for the current year; these will be published shortly.
Brian D described the somewhat Byzantine procedures required to change the constitution of RI. He explained how the Council of Legislation worked and how individual Clubs and Districts could table resolutions for consideration, but with scant hope of success.
Brian K tabled the Board's proposals for future meetings which are given in full below. A rather lively discussion occurred in relation to these proposed changes and to how we can enhance our Club’s image within our local community. This is imperative when it comes to attracting new members, as we need to be seen to have locally focused projects and to have fun while performing community
There was a view expressed that we should also have enjoyment at meetings. This could lead to an improvement in our retention of existing members and also be attractive in recruiting new members.
Unfortunately the outcome of the Vision Meetings appears to have lead to misunderstandings among some members of the Club. It should not be seen as the initiative of the Maleny Rotary Club but as a world wide strategy to improve retention and recruitment of Rotary members.
Brian K tabled the following Board proposals:
1st Wednesday of the month
A normal meeting with a guest speaker from the community with meal.
2nd Wednesday of the month
A Board Meeting only (other members welcome). No meal provided.
3rd Wednesday of the month
A normal meeting with a speaker talking about Rotary, or Rotary projects
or "this is my life" from a member. Meal provided.
4th Wednesday of the month
Break out committee meetings and reporting back to the whole Club at the
end of the meeting. These meetings will need a suitable venue.
5th Wednesday of the month (when it occurs)
A social meeting with partners. These will be at various venues. Events
such as a car rally may replace this meeting.
For meetings at the Maleny Hotel the meals will be main course only with
no dessert. Cost to members $18 - $16 for the meal and $2 covering guests.
** Please can members give feedback on these proposals before 5pm Monday 8
August to President Mike or Brian K - i.e. before the next Board Meeting.
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Thanks to Geoff C for these pictures of our members in action at this new event for the Club. Much time and effort was place into operating in this highly commercial environment and much was learned.
Thanks to Angela G for this picture of ladies in PNG who use the materials collected by Rotary to make clothing and other items. It looks more like wash and josh rather than stitch and...
3rd August Meeting at the Maleny Hotel. Details to be announced.
6th August A Club Progressive Dinner will be held commencing at 6.30 pm. The volunteer hosts are Jim and Elaine Atkinson, Mike and Judy Keane, and Roly and Kerry Nieper. Payment must be made to Brian Doyle by Wednesday's meeting.
10th August Meeting at the Maleny Hotel. Details to be announced.
17th August Possibly visit from DG - watch this space.
7th Peter Wright 20th Jocelyn Brooker
12th Tony Loughnan 24th Dick Andrew
17th Malcolm Baker 28th Lionel Tilley
29th Angela and Mike
Members may be surprised that it is not only possible to see both sides of an issue, but also surprisingly to support them. Here is an example concerning Whiskey.
In 1952, Armon M. Sweat, Jr., a member of the Texas House of Representatives, was asked about his position on whiskey. What follows is his exact answer (taken from the Political Archives of Texas):
"If you mean whiskey, the devil's brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster that defiles innocence, dethrones reason, destroys the home, creates misery and poverty, yea, literally takes the bread from the mouths of little children; if you mean that evil drink that topples Christian men and women from the pinnacles of righteous and gracious living into the bottomless pit of degradation, shame, despair, helplessness, and hopelessness, then, my friend, I am opposed to it with every fiber of my being."
"However, if by whiskey you mean the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the elixir of life, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that puts a song in their hearts and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes; if you mean Christmas cheer, the stimulating sip that puts a little spring in the step of an elderly gentleman on a frosty morning; if you mean that drink that enables man to magnify his joy, and to forget life's great tragedies and heartbreaks and sorrow; if you mean that drink the sale of which pours into Texas treasuries untold millions of dollars each year, that provides tender care for our little crippled children, our blind, our deaf, our dumb, our pitifully aged and infirm, to build the finest highways, hospitals, universities, and community colleges in this nation, then my friend, I am absolutely, unequivocally in favor of it."
"This is my position, and as always, I refuse to compromise on matters of principle." But then again, perhaps only a politician can do it!
1st August 2011
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