Friday, 1 September 2017

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 6th September 2017

"THE RANGE"  Vol. 59 No.4
WEDNESDAY 6th September 2017

Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm with Guest Speaker Russ Stephenson on Malnutrition in PNG.

Apologies to Jeff C before noon on Tuesday 5th.

DUTY ROSTERS                       
                           6th Sep          20th Sep         4th Oct                             
Duty Officer        Roly N           Chris B            Jim A                      
Assist DO           Angela G       Sherryl G        Robin H                          
Registration        Lionel T         Andy S            Bill H
Fellowship          Jeff C             Phillip S          John McL  

9th September
Jim Atkinson  (Leader)  Chris Ross-Smith  Rick Vickers

23rd September
Jeff Cornfoot  (Leader)  Keith Rogers  Ric Townsend  

President Alan opened the meeting by welcoming our guests – guest speaker Susan Griffith, YEP inbound student Adria from Lloret de Mar Spain and Kate Huth accompanied by her parents. 

Malcolm introduced Adria more fully and banners were exchanged.  It seems that Lloret is a popular honeymoon spot! 

Jim introduced Kate whom the Club sponsored to a Science Summer School in 1994 and YEP to Denmark in 1997.  Since then Kate has been active in Apex rising to National President in 2013 and World President last year, teaching English as a second language in Indonesia and Italy and, currently teaching Indonesian  in Albany, WA.  She has applied for a Rotary Peace Fellowship in Education and Curriculum Development in either USA or Sweden.

Michael reported that he had secured a high profile speaker, Kim Kirkman, founder and musical director of the Ten Tenors, as guest speaker but the only date  he is available is 14 December which is a Thursday.  Club members agreed that we would change the day of our regular meeting that week and endeavour to maximise attendance.

Keith introduced our Guest speaker Susan Griffith – manager and trainer at Lifelines’ Maroochydore Office.  Lifeline was established in the sixties by Reverend Dr Alan Walker as a means to support those who were isolated and had no one to turn to for assistance in times of need.  The need was great and Lifeline quickly expanded to the national organisation we know today with its well-known phone number of 13 11 14.  Except for the critical timeframe of 2200 to  0400 their phone line is staffed mostly by volunteers 24/7 and they also have online chat and are developing a texting option.  They also offer face to face consultations and educational workshops. 

Their vision is an Australia free of suicide, to provide support in times of crisis and to make communities safer.  They do not judge or offer solutions but rather help their callers to reach their own recovery plan.  They receive over a million calls a year which  equates to around 3,000 a day and 5% are at high risk of suicide.  They are able to trace the high risk calls and alert police and ambulance.

Males over 85  are the highest at risk group followed by the 25-50 group and the need in our area is increasing!  Nationally in 2015 there were 3,027 suicides, around 6,000 more attempted and a further 1.2 million thought about it!  This is twice the number of road  deaths and four times the number of murders. 

Susan then shared with us a couple of emotional stories about people saved by her organisation, one of whom  had appeared on Australian Story on the ABC.  Lifeline is mainly funded by Uniting Care Community Shops but Government funds their head office and they  receive government grants to fund the paid employees who staff the overnight shift.  Volunteers receive 12 months of training and have to pass crisis  support, assist, and assessment gateways – they can start attending calls after 12 weeks under supervision.

Michael thanked Susan for her excellent presentation, explained the work that our Australian Rotary Health is doing in the area of mental health research  and our own support of the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre and Low Cost Housing and presented her with the iconic Maleny Bag containing Rotary information.         

13th September
Board Meeting at the Masonic Hall.

20th September
Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm with Guest Speaker Alan Still on the Maleny Weather Station.

27th September
Masonic Hall at 5:30 for 6:00pm for Club Assembly.

4th October
Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for DG's Visit - Partners welcome.

4th John & Bernice McLennan  18th Andy & Mia Schouteten  28th Keith & Gloria Rogers

17th Judi Ross-Smith 29th Mia Schouteten




On her first day at the senior complex, the new manager addressed all the seniors pointing out some of her rules:
“The female sleeping quarters will be out-of-bounds for all males, and the male dormitory to the females.”

“Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time.”

She continued, “Anybody caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $60.

Being caught a third time will cost you a fine of $180.”

“Are there any questions?”

At this point, an older gentleman stood up in the crowd inquired:

“How much for a season pass?”

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