Thursday, 1 December 2022

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 7th December 2022


Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Michael Hinds of BOQ Maleny on Protection From Online Scamming.

Apologies please to Bernice before noon on Tuesday.

                       7th Dec            21st Dec
Duty Officer    Lionel T           Neal A
Assist DO       
Renee H         Peter McQ
Registration    James McC    Malcolm B
Jared A           Chris B

0730 - 1030  Peter McQ   Roly N   Fran T 

           1030 - 1330  Ric T   Chris B   Keith R

1. We received an email this week from the School of St Jude in Tanzania, East Africa. Many of you would know we have been supporting a young man Kennedi Lucas through his schooling and university for quite a number of years.  Well, Kennedi has now graduated in accountancy. So, through St Jude’s, we opted to purchase a Students Gift Pack and Home Pack for Kenedi. As Kenedi is still at University, they called in his father to pick up the present. Here is a photo of Kenedi’s dad with the gifts.

2. Our vocational visit last week to the Maleny Emergency Services Complex was extremely interesting with those that went along still talking about the setup there and the equipment they have. Our tour ended up taking 90 minutes, yet it felt a much shorter time we’d been there. Thanks Craig for organizing it with Jared and a big thanks to Jared and the Captain for explaining everything to us.
We were running so late that Jen from Jen’s Pizza wanted to know if we still coming to dine at her place! As usual, great pizzas which will be surely missed now that she is no longer at Finbars. Fingerscrossed, she decides to reopen in another place in town next year, after a well deserved break. 

3. Remember our Christmas dinner and get together on Wednesday 21st will be at Roly and Kerry Neiper’s home in Reesville. I think it will start a little earlier than our normal dinners, at 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start. However all the details will be sent out to everyone by email. Look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible with your partners.

4. Lastly, I just received the dates for the Australia Zoo car parking roster which covers 28 days - from Saturday 10 Dec 22 to Sunday 16 Dec 22 and Monday 26 Dec 22 to Sunday 15 Jan 23. So that’s a lot of shifts to fill and potentially a good deal of money for our bank account so we can keep giving generously to our various charitable causes. An email will be coming out in the next day or so - please get back to us promptly with the shifts you want to do. 

The meeting began with the Club’s Annual General Meeting chaired by Roly. The Secretary minuted the AGM which included acceptance of the Auditor’s Report for the 2021/22 Rotary year and the appointment of Auditor for the 2022/23 year. Officers were elected for the 2022/23 Board. Roly acknowledged long-term Board members Bernice McLennan, Michael and Sherryl Gregory who were stepping down from the Board at the end of the current Rotary year.

 After dinner service, there was a spirited Sergeant's session led by Jared (under instruction from Chris B). Best fine was for Peter’s catfish encounter. The Business Meeting then started with upcoming dates and events:

• Vocational Night on 23 November at 5.30pm at the new Emergency Services Complex in Dixon Avenue. Jared explained the procedure for the night. This will be followed by Jen’s Pizzas at Finbar’s at 6.30pm.

• Maleny Christmas Festival on 9 December. Paulette outlined the plan for this event to include a Rotary storytelling marquee as last year, and the prospect of a Rotary BBQ outside Maleny Food Co. premises.

• Maleny Neighbourhood Centre Christmas Breakfast on 25 December at MNC. All community members welcome. Volunteers needed to assist set-up, cooking & service of BBQ etc. See Greg if you can assist.

Rick T then gave a presentation on GET READY MALENY (GRM) – a Disaster Management Planning group of which Ric T and Rick V are active members. Ric described some of the history of disaster planning in Maleny, and the need for a coordinated and proactive collaboration with the SCR Council, which is now on board with the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre and Rotary. The MNC put the committee together. The aim is to make it easier for citizens to know what to do in an emergency/disaster. Using a Council grant, a website is under design as well as an 8-page handy booklet with emergency contact numbers and important info to plan for, and save yourself, if and when a disaster strikes our hinterland community.

 Ric talked about the CIB Problem – COMPLACENCY, IGNORANCE and BRAVADO – three things that could kill you in a disaster. He followed this with a question session of What Ifs - with prizes of GRM key rings for every person who suggested a relevant What If. This is a very timely initiative, as the last time a major disaster struck Maleny- when ex tropical cyclone Oswald hovered over SE Qld for days in January 2013 - the community was underprepared and ill-equipped. Thanks to both Ric/Rick for their work on this committee to better prepare us for the worst What If… should it arrive. 

9 Dec Maleny Christmas Festival in Maple Street.

14 Dec Board Meeting.

21 Dec Christmas Party at Roly and Kerry Neiper's home.

6th Chris and Jocelyn Brooker  12th Jim and Elaine Atkinson + Roly and Kerry Neiper 17th Lionel and Judy Tilley

11th Jim Atkinson  12th Murray Anderson  30th Zach Harris


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