Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting, preceded by a Board Meeting.
17May 7Jun 21Jun
Duty Officer Phillip S Neal A Sherryl G
ADO Michael G Rick V Fran T
Registration Brian A Laurelle O James McC
Fellowship Bill H John W John Mcl
10Jun 0830 - 1100 Andy S Bernice and John McL
1100 - 1330 Paulette S Greg W Ric T
● President Paulette opened the evening by welcoming members and our Guest Speaker and Honorary Member Jack Wilcox AM.
.● First cab of the rank was Chris Brooker with his report of our excellent car parking at the Maleny Wood Expo. Chris highlighted the good work of 19 of our members, thanked all those who took part, and left some special parking moments for serious clarity during the latter fines session.
● Roly N provided an update on planning for our involvement in the Maleny Show on 2&3 June – and forwarded the Show Roster around the room for members’ completion. If you are not on it yet, contact Roly with your preferred service times on Friday, and Saturday during the Show, and for assistance with bump in on Thursday afternoon and bump out on Sunday morning. A working bee to clean up the Food Stall is scheduled for 1 June.
● Jim A/Chris B also asked members to pencil into their diaries some further upcoming parking duties at the Muscle on Mountain – Maleny Show and Shine Event on 2 July at the Maleny Showgrounds.
● P Paulette also reminded us of the upcoming RUSCCF meeting Wednesday - 4 members – Chris B, Jim A, Rick V and Paulette S are running the bar and Greg W will also be in attendance.
● She also mentioned the great turnout of members for our Christmas in July camping/glamping weekend at Yarraman Caravan Park on 29/30th July. There are still a few cabins and campsites available.
● Sherryl G, as Club spokesperson for Speak Up Now, mentioned that members not attending the RUSCCF meeting at the SCU were welcome to attend and participate in the Domestic Violence Vigil being held at Tesch Park from 5pm on 10 May.
● Sergeant's fines – Chris B was at his finest raising fines from nearly all, if not, every member.
● Greg W provided a short report regarding his attendance on behalf of the club at a Sunshine Coast Council Maleny Walking Paths/Trails Consultation meeting on 3 May along with several other community members. An updated Maleny Walking Paths/Trails plan will be published during July for public consultation.
● Ric T gave an update on the upcoming Casino Night at the Maleny RSL on 13 May – including the practice afternoon at the MDSRC Clubhouse on the Maleny Community Precinct on 7 May. All croupiers and assistants on the night are needed from 5.30 pm for set up.
● Our guest speaker, Jack Wilcox AM, Paul Harris recipient (2005), former club member, local historian, author and researcher gave an insightful presentation into the challenges faced by unwed mothers at the end of Queen Victoria’s reign in his last book entitled “Unwed and Pregnant 1903 - Annie's Story”. This particular story of Annie was all the more difficult to research and tell as it was the story of Jack’s own grandmother. Jack was able to succinctly demonstrate that whilst we have now moved a long way from the pitiful conditions facing unwed pregnant mothers in 1903 with a social security safety net and far better employment, and housing outcomes for unwed young pregnant women today, a lot more still needs to be done to improve their conditions. Jack can be proud that his grandmother had the strength and fortitude and the love and security of his (step) grandfather Max, to overcome social stigma and potential destitution. It was my honour and privilege as ADO to present Jack with our Platypus bag and 2023 Maleny RC calendar in thanks of his presentation.
The meeting closed at 8:40pm.
01Jun Working bee at Food Stall.
2/3Jun Maleny Show.
07Jun Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker TBA.
14Jun Board Meeting.
4th Barry and Francis Tickle
4th Angela Griffin 15th Greg Williams 18th Cilla Vickers 22nd Peter McQuoid 31st Jared Ashcroft
Last weekend, those of us who wished to do so, were able to watch the pomp and circumstance of a ceremonial occasion. The spectacle and the formal uniforms were special. It must be remembered that uniforms have long been part of the daily life of the upper echelons of this society.
I am reminded of the tale of two boys, who attended school together, where they developed an intense natural dislike, which lasted throughout their adult life.
Their individual careers prospered separately, with one becoming an admiral and the other an archbishop.
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