Friday, 29 September 2023

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 4th October 2023

Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speakers Chris and Kristy Paterson of Bamboo Projects.

Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.

                          04Oct              25Oct          01Nov
Duty Officer      Peter McQ       Renee H      Jim A
ADO                 Craig S            Sherryl G     Michael G
Registration      Laurelle O       Greg W        Brian A
Fellowship        Malcolm B       Bill H           Des C

14 Oct    0830 - 1100  Rick V   Sherryl G   Des C

               1100 - 1330  John & Bernice McL   ANO

11 Nov 0830 - 1100  James McC   Jim A   Fran T

               1100 - 1330  Andy S   Phillip S    Greg W

 What’s this with so many Rotary members getting bugs/viruses of all descriptions of late? Worst affected has been Renee who got swine flu and had to close her barber shop for about 10 days!! Even though they’re back open this week, Renee is still not 100% and has a really raspy voice. So please support her business as much as possible.

Greg, Neil and myself have all had some kind of illness in the last week too. All on the mend now though! We are referring to it as the ‘Rotary Bug’!

As you all know, Ric Townsend had a major cardiac operation last Thursday after being transferred from SCU Hospital to Prince Charles in Brisbane. He’s bright in spirit although very weak physically still. Most likely, he’ll be in hospital until early next week and Ja and Ric will stay in Brisbane a couple of nights, just in case he should have any sort of relapse. Fingers crossed he doesn’t! I’m sure he’d love to chat with anyone of you want to give him a call. 

Future meetings
Wednesday October 4 
Our guest speakers for this meeting are husband and wife couple Chris and Kristy Paterson from Bamboo Projects. They’re about providing mateship and support. 
Wednesday October 25 - End Polio Now 
The Rotary International Day to recognise this highly successful project is on 24th October. Being the day after, I thought it’d be a great idea to recognise End Polio Now with everyone wearing something red on the night. I did hear one member say he might come along in his red pyjamas! If you’ve got a red ‘End Polio Now’ tshirt, certainly wear that or anything red you may have.  
Also, let’s hope we can hear from Greg Williams about his adventures in Italia, which were scheduled for September.
Wednesday November 1
A former student at Maleny State High School, who went on to study architecture, and then after feeling confined by the four walls of an office, headed to Tanzania to physically build homes, Cougar Lutz, is coming to talk with us about what he’s been up to and his plans going forward which include returning to Tanzania.
Wednesday November 22
A guest speaker from within our club.
Wednesday December 6
Yet to confirm however looking to have the owner of a local gin distillery come and have a yarn with us and there could even be some gin tastings.
Wednesday December 20
omething Christmassy!

Rick Vickers opened the meeting in the absence of Paulette, who was unwell.  Actually numbers were down due to Influenza.  Ric Townsend was sporting a new hair cut, which did not escape the notice of Rick V.  I do believe he mentioned something about a lawnmower.   We were also reminded about the Ulysses RV Dinner on 18th October.  We are catering for approximately 130 people at the Show Pavilion, with a BBQ and dessert.  The Zoo parking is well underway, but a replacement is needed for Greg W for Thursday morning.

Chris B spoke about the parking for the Garden Expo on Saturday 7th October, from 9.00am to 4.00p.m. There will be two shifts, 9-12 and 12 to a little bit later.  However, a couple of men will be required around 6.30/7.00a.m. to help get things underway.  Chris will send out the roster next week.

Chris then spoke about the ‘Community Kitchen’ which is held at the RSL on a Wednesday night.  This has been running for 3 weeks now.  On the first night there were 17 people in attendance, the second week ther Pe were nil, and 7 people attended the third week.  

Lionel T informed us the Calendars are on sale.  The cost to members is $5-00, and $6-00 to the public. The Printers who did the Calendar were having a promotion, and we were given 100 free pens, with Rotary marked on them. Bernice suggested that we put one in each bag we present to our guest speakers.

Rick V sadly informed us that Gail Denver is in palliative care in Maleny Hospital. This began when she was a teenager, and this is the third time, each time having been a different type of Cancer.  We certainly keep her and her family in our thoughts and our prayers.

Rick also informed us that 6 out of the 8 applicants for Community Grants were successful……..Naval Cadets, Maleny State School Chaplaincy,  Zonta, Croquet Club,  Historical Society and Hinterland Music.  The money is being returned to local organisations.. Some received more money than they requested to enable them to shop locally. These recipients of Community Grants will be invited to the Maleny Hotel for a presentation at 5.45p.m. on Wednesday 4th October, prior to the commencement of our normal meeting.  A photo will also be taken at this time.  The recipients will be welcome to stay for our dinner and meeting should they wish, but this will be at their expense.

Further to this Rick advised that $500 was donated to ‘Lift the Lid’ for mental health, and $500 to Pain Resolution (this was the cause behind the bike ride that Tim Bagshaw undertook).  The Peace Pole ceremony at the River School will take place on either the first or second Friday in October. 

Jim gave a report on the Golf Day on behalf of Roly.  It was a beautiful day, weather wise, and a successful day all round.  $7,000 was raised.  There were 53 players, but numbers were down on last year.  The Maleny Hotel was incredibly generous, and we received $1,000 from Telstra, through Craig + 4 golf bags.  There were many other supporters/sponsors.  Thank you to all who helped out in the lead-up, and on the day.

Fran gave a brief report on Youth. Apart from four Year 10 students attending the SANTOS Science Experience in January 2024, there is also one Year 11 student attending the NYSF in January. She, with some expert help, will be doing Solar Buddies next term at Conondale State School, and a BBQ and free dress day and a Disco for Years 7/8 at Maleny State High  School.  Fran caught up recently with Cougar Lutze, a former Interact member, who recently spent 11 weeks in Tanzania helping to build a school.

We were advised that approximately 20 people attended the Lift the Lid walk.  One of the young ladies from Toastmasters (a recent guest speaker at our meeting) also attended along with her little one.  It was quite fun and well worth doing.  Sherryl won a bottle of wine.

Sherryl brought in the DV ‘Safe Phone’ box for old working phones.  Already 215 phones have been donated from this area for Speak Up Now.  She also reported on the recent Kite Workshop held at Kenilworth State School.  This was excellent with 16 students from Years 3-6.  It was very windy. The secret is – ‘walk, don’t run in the wind’.  The kites went very high, some ending up in trees.  Others took 10 minutes to wind back in again.  Sherryl now has the next exciting event to look forward to – the kite experience with Chaplain Chris from Maleny State School and 60 students.  Sadly they will not be able to fly them, as you need a 2 hour window to make, decorate and fly them, and the time allocated by the school is not sufficient to allow for take-off.

Ric T spoke briefly about Marvin from SAVITREK at Witta.  He is doing something for the Men’s Shed, and Ric suggested that we may enjoy a tour of the business.  They are making strides in safety and printing industries.  It is exciting new technology, and following the tour we could have dinner in town.  Ric will check it out and talk to Craig. This could certainly make for an interesting vocational night.

As expected, Chris B conducted a very lively fine session, and his story-telling prowess was definitely working well.

Finally, to end, we all had an early night. 

11 Oct   Board Meeting

18 Oct  Dinner for Ulysses RV Club at Showgrounds

25 Oct  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting

26th Rick and Cilla

2nd Helen Wassman  12th Gloria Rogers  14th Keith Rogers  16th Kerry Neiper  28th Bernice McLennan 31st Gillian Allen


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