Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting including End Polio Now - wear something RED.
Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.
25 Oct 01 Nov 22Nov
Duty Officer Renee H Jim A Neal A
ADO James McC Lionel T Greg W
Registration Greg W Brian A Fran T
Fellowship Bill H Des C John W
11 Nov 0800 - 1100 James McC Fran T Jim A
1100 - 1330 Andy S Phillip S Greg W
09 Dec 0800 - 1100 Lionel T Bruce K Peter McQ
1100 - 1330 Roly N Ric V Scott W
We’ve been busy again this month!
Maleny Garden Club Spring Fair parking
Our parking prowess was called upon again and the following helped out in the morning up to lunchtime and a couple into early afternoon. Thanks to: Chris, Jim, Roly, Scott, Bruce, Lionel, Jeff, Rick V, Lenah.
Ulysses RV Club BBQ Dinner
We’ve discovered something else we do well and that is catering! It was a resounding success on Wednesday night catering for 127 people. We provided cheese and biscuits when they arrived (Maleny Cheese donated so much cheese for this, it was fantastic - it must have been Scott’s smile when he went out to see them).
Then we cooked a plethora of different meats on the BBQ and there were three salads and bread rolls to accompany them. It was followed with a dessert of fruit salad and apple slice with custard and ice cream. We had rave comments about the quality and quantity of the meal with the Ulysses RV organiser saying he hoped we made some money for ourselves on the night. We certainly did and I’m sure Jim will be able to tell us soon how much we made from the event.
Our helpers were absolutely fantastic as we each found our niche and we all had a good feed as well. A massive thanks to the following for their invaluable assistance: Bernice and John, Elaine and Jim, Helen and Scott, Fran, James, Neil, Roly, Rick V and Greg.
They held a raffle which raised $800 and all the proceeds of that are going to the MESF fund!
I was hoping to have some photos from the night of us in the kitchen however they haven’t come through in time. Here is one though of the vast crowd we fed!
Upcoming Meetings
Wednesday October 25 - End Polio Now
Remember to wear something RED to the meeting and red outer clothing is preferred.
Greg will be running this meeting as I’ll be busy in Victoria tasting whisky and wine.
Wednesday November 1
This is a partners’ night so do bring your better half along and let Bernice know please so she can give numbers to the hotel. As mentioned before, Cougar Lutze, is coming to talk with us about what he’s been up to and his plans going forward which include returning to Tanzania.
Wednesday November 22
This is our AGM. Neil AKA The Platypus Whisperer will be our guest speaker and he’ll fill us in about his recent platypus conference at the Healesville Sanctuary in Victoria.
Wednesday December 6
Looks like we will have the owner of a local gin distillery come and have a yarn with us and this will include gin tastings. This evening might go a bit overtime with the tastings.
Wednesday December 13 or December 20
Something Christmasy! Let me know which date is going to be best for everyone!
The winners of the Community Grants received their cheques at the hotel before our last meeting.
From left to right the organisations were Range Croquet, TS CENTAUR, President Paulette, Zonta,
Hinterland Music, Maleny Chaplaincy, Maleny Cultural & Historical Society.
President Paulette opened the meeting by welcoming members and guests Chris Paterson from Bamboo Projects, Harvey Bryce and Marvin de Mendonca of Savitrek. Special welcomes to Lenah, Renee and Malcolm who have been unwell.
Bernice congratulated and thanked Jack Wilcox who had compiled a list of all members of our Club together with their years of service. A copy will be distributed to all members.
Chris B organised his parking roster for the Garden Club Expo on Saturday before carrying out his customary efficient assault on members' cash resources.
Our Guest Speaker Chris Paterson said that Bamboo Projects was about mateship and support for people with mental health and disability problems. It is a registered charity with no administration fees, run by his wife and himself as volunteers. They are a registered NDIS provider and organise a cleaning up waterways programme for those at risk. Chris spoke of the problems of his early life and how he and his wife set up their charity to provide assistance to those in need, as he had been. He showed a video describing a typical day out cleaning up rubbish from the banks of a local waterway with his registered assistants.
Craig S gave the vote of thanks to loud applause.
01Nov Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Cougar Lutze - Partners Night
08Nov Board Meeting
22Nov Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Annual General Meeting
29Nov Possible Vocational Evening
06Dec Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker TBA.
26th Ric and Cilla
2nd Helen Wassman 12th Gloria Rogers 14th Keith Rogers 16th Kerry Neiper 28th Bernice McLennan 31st Gillian Allen
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