Friday 27 September 2024

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 2nd October 2024

 THE RANGE Vol 66 No 7                                                                         

The Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Dan Thomasson of Rotary and University of the Sunshine Coast Community Fund (RUSCCF). Partners are welcome.

Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.

                       02Oct                 16Oct               06Nov
DO                 Rick V                 Jim A                Bruce K              
ADO              Sherryl G             Roly N             Paulette S             
Registration   Brian A                Laurelle O        Berenice McL
Fellowship     James McC         Renee H          John McL

12Oct   0830 - 1100  Scott W   James McC   Lionel T

              1100 - 1330  Jim A   Paulette S   Keith R

09Nov    0830 - 1100  Fran T    John & Bernice McL

              1100 - 1330   Phillip S   Rick V   Andy S

07 Dec   0830 - 1100  Bernice & John McL  James McC   

             1100 - 1330  Bruce K   Chris B   Sue C

Our next meeting is a Partners’ Night with our Guest Speaker Dan Thomasson. Dan is the Kenny Cluster Rotary Chair for the Rotary and University of the Sunshine Coast Community Fund (RUSCCF). He will update us on the program and its importance for the recipients and also how it benefits Rotary on the Sunshine Coast. Please invite your Partners along so they can hear; I’m sure they would like to know something about this local Rotary initiative which supports some of our brightest minds develop their research across diverse fields of study. Each year our Club supports the funding of Post-Graduate Student Bursaries at UniSC.  

Rick V announced the five successful Community Grant applicants. This year River School ($2,000 Library Books), Pattemore House ($2,000 Air-conditioner), The Mens’ Shed ($1,960 Building Alterations – Construction Materials), Range Croquet ($1,877 Fencing Materials), and the RSL ($1,480 Witta Cemetery Commemorative Cross) will receive almost $10,000 through our Community Grants. 
A big ‘Thank You’ to every Club Member. 
These grants are only possible because of the various annual fundraising efforts of each and every one of you. 
These worthy local community organisations each deserve our support because they are part of what makes Maleny and the Hinterland such a fantastic place to live, and visit.  The recipients have been invited to the Hotel next Wednesday at 5:30pm for their cheque presentation, and also to stay on for dinner if they have time. 

It was great seeing Cougar Lutze at our last meeting. He was able to tell us a bit about the early success of his project in Tanzania where his first small business enterprise is reaping rewards because the owner is earning about six times what he used to get. The flow on affect has been immediately apparent as he can better support his younger siblings and extended family. 
Until Cougar returns to Tanzania early next year, he will be spending time in Brisbane establishing his career with regular trips back to Maleny to see family and friends. As our youngest member, Cougar has jumped in and agreed to become part of building our Club’s social media presence along with Paulette, Renee, and Ric T. 

President Scott opened this Business Meeting by welcoming a cheerful and relaxed group of members. He started by paying the Club's respects following the recent death of Glenn Kinross OA. Glenn had been the President of Rotary International in 1997-98 and was a long time member of the Rotary Club of Hamilton. John Whan also paid his respects as he and Glenn had worked in the same company for many years.  

P Scott welcomed Cougar Lutze who is back from Tanzania.  Cougar told us of the positive steps that had been achieved with the first stages of his project; he outlined his plans for returning to Arusha for  two months early next year to select new projects to promote employment and to progress his Foundation.

Rick V briefed the meeting that his committee was proposing that the Club award five Community Grants to the following organisations that had submitted acceptable applications - River School, Pattermore House, Maleny Mens Shed, Maleny Croquet Club and the Maleny RSL; the latter for works at the Witta Cemetery.  Arrangements will be made to present the cheques prior to this Club Meeting.

There had been continuing difficulties in contacting the Ukranian Rotary Club that was looking for help to import electrical generators. There has been a positive response from the Rotary Club of Krakow in Poland which may be able to deliver generators to the Ukranian border on our behalf.

Greg W announced that Andrew Powell was going to promote the launch of Bowelscan kits shortly.

Our Sergeant Chris B thanked those members who had helped with the parking for Muscle on the Mountain; this however did not spare them from the financial impositions levied on all the meeting's attendees - except one.

The meeting closed at 8:30pm.

05 October   Maleny Garden Club parking.

09 October   Board Meeting.

16 Oct  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting.

25Oct  RC of Maleny Ambrose Golf Day at Maleny Golf Club.

30Oct   Possible Vocational Night.


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