THE RANGE Vol 66 No 6
The Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting.
Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.
18Sep 2Oct 16Oct
DO Fran T Rick V Jim A
ADO Keith R Sherryl G Roly N
Registration Ric T Brian A Laurelle O
Fellowship Malcolm B James McC Renee H
12Oct 0830 - 1100 Scott W James McC Lionel T
1100 - 1330 Jim A Paulette S Keith R
09Nov 0830 - 1100 Fran T John & Bernice McL
1100 - 1330 Phillip S Rick V Andy S
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGEOur Club has had a great couple of weeks highlighted by DG Sue Mulraneys’ visit where the Board were able to outline their many projects and plans for this year. Sue left our meeting expressing surprise and admiration about just how active and engaged our Club was within our local community and more broadly through support of Rotary programmes, as well as our current direct efforts overseas. The meeting was of particular significance for Paulette Steele and Fran Tickle who were presented on behalf of the Club with Paul Harris Fellowships by DG Sue and myself for their exemplary service.
Friday 6 September heralded the launch of the Rotary ‘Say No to Domestic & Family Violence’ Purple Shirt Campaign outside Renee Harris’ Barbers of Maleny. There was a nice story about our launch with some great pictures in the Glasshouse Country & Maleny News. It was quite a sight seeing so many members parading in their purple gear, as well as community representatives from Speak Up Now, Zonta and the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre. The surprise of the morning was the return visit of DG Sue and John who, as part of their commitment, made a special effort to attend and be part of this project. We are already having some traction with local businesses wanting to buy shirts and caps so they can also become part of this awareness campaign. If you haven’t bought your own shirt or cap yet, please ask Sherryl, Chris, or Renee more about the project and how you can also become part of this important call for conscious change.
Our Community Grants project has closed for this year with Rick V and Craig S sending a list of five worthy applications for approval to the Board. I’m sure Rick and Craig will tell members details on Wednesday about the grants, so it will remain a surprise until then.
Greg Williams had a ‘Big Win’ for Bowelscan last week and I know he will be excited to also fill in members about what will be happening early next year around the State.
Some fantastic inroads forward have been made in the last couple weeks about the Obi Obi Creek and Mary River Environmental Project. Neil Andison will be giving everyone a bit of an update which I’m sure will be seen as an exciting First Step in this long journey.
Our Golf Day is really starting to take shape with the sponsors and prizes all coming on board. The sub-committee of Greg, Roly, Jim, Lionel, and myself are meeting each week to keep ahead of the game and make certain we have a great and successful day on 25 October.
Hopefully, you’re starting to see our 2025 calendars popping up for sale around town. We have a couple of new outlets at Spicers Tamarind and Maleny Cheese to broaden our potential market reach. If any members think there are other Hinterland businesses who should be approached, can you please let Lionel know and one of our ‘Super Sales reps’ will drop in to see if they will support this project.

President Scott had the pleasure to introduce District
9620 DG Sue Mulraney who was attending our Club as part of her plan to visit the Rotary Clubs based on the Sunshine Coast. Other special guests included DG Sue’s husband
John, PP Jeff and Jan Cornfoot visiting from Brisbane, AG Bernie Wilson and Elaine Atkinson as PP Jim’s partner. Apologies received from our
youngest member Cougar Lutze.
DG Sue had earlier met with the Board and was very excited
to hear about our various club projects and, in particular, our many long term
local partnerships. She then gave a very impressive presentation to members about:
- the need for goal setting and the development of a strategic plan to motivate members to work towards a common purpose.
· - the Rotary Action Plan to increase impact,
expand our reach, enhance meaningful participation and increase our ability to
· - the Zone Campaign to Say No to Domestic and
Family Violence and Yes to Respectful Relationships. Sue and John subsequently
attended our local soft opening of the campaign at Barbers of Maleny owned by our member Renee H on Friday.
· - unlocking the Magic of Rotary theme and the next
Rotary theme – Power to make positive change.
· - the 2025 District 9620 Conference at
the Empire Theatre in Toowoomba on 28 – 30 March with a handout of the
Early Bird Registration Offer for registrations before 30Oct24.
John Mulraney spoke to us about the Polio Plus Society and
encouraged members to join to enhance the fundraising capacity to End Polio Now.
President Scott then had the pleasure to present, with the assistance
of DG Sue, Paul Harris Fellow Awards to our very hard working and deserving members PP Paulette Steele and Fran Tickle. The ceremony was greeted by a standing ovation from those present.
PP Paulette and Fran with their PHF certificates
Our Sergeant Chris was once again able to dig deep (into attendees' pockets) to extract memorable fines
from all of our 26 Rotarians and guests - whose fines were paid for by the
closest Rotarian on the right. Scott W gave a fantastic vote of thanks to our DG
Sue, her husband John and our other special guests
02Oct Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Dan Thomasson of Rotary and University of the Sunshine Coast Community Fund (RUSCCF).
09 Oct Board Meeting.
16 Oct Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting.
25Oct RC of Maleny Ambrose Golf Day at Maleny Golf Club.
30Oct Possible Vocational Night.

Sometimes its hard for some of us "wrinklies" to keep up.
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