Friday, 14 July 2023

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 19th July 2023

"THE RANGE" VOL 65 No. 2                                                                         

Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting.

Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday..

                         19Jul            2Aug           16Aug
Duty Officer      Ric T            Jim A            Keith R
ADO                 Greg W         Michael G    Neil A
Registration      Lionel T        Laurelle O    Ric V
Fellowship        Bill H            Chris B         Peter McQ                   

5th Aug   0830 - 1100  Fran T   Bernice and John McL

               1100 - 1330  Phillip S   Greg W   Ric T

16th Sep 0830 - 1100  Peter McQ  Roly N  Chris B

               1100 - 1330  Andy S  Lionel T  Bruce K

- First meeting of new board
It felt so different not having a couple of our regular faces attending board meetings with Bernice and Sherryl absent. For as long as I’ve been on the board Bernice has always been the secretary. As much as I’ll miss not seeing her and the wonderful work she’s done, I’m pleased for her as after over a decade on the board, she can finally take a break. Together with John, they’ve got so many holidays booked to enjoy. 
We had our new secretary, Michael Gregory, on board and he did a terrific job. We even finished the meeting in just over an hour this month!

- Committees
You may find yourself getting a call about joining a couple of our committees. The Membership committee and the Environment committee are looking for one or two more people to join each. If you would like to join either or even both of these committees, get in touch with Neil re the Environment one or Rick V or Craig re the Membership one.

- Everyone’s contact details are on the updated list that Bernice sent out a couple of weeks ago.

-Interesting Guest Speakers
Who would you like to hear as a guest speaker at our first meeting of each month? If you think you’ve got what it takes to organize a speaker a month for 10 months of the year, I’d like to hear from you. Michael has been finding us our speakers for ten years now and he’s earned a well deserved rest. So, it’s time for someone else to step up and do it. If you think you’d like to give it a go for a while, give me a call. I know some of our members have volunteered suggestions and Michael had found others from third parties or mentions in local media.
Talking about speakers, one of our more recent new members, Bruce Kelly, is going to be regaling us with some tories about his past at our next meeting on 19 July. 

- Welcome back
Greg Williams is back from his trip to Italy and is now sans moustache! Get ready to hear from him about his Italian adventures at our Business Meeting on 23 August. Ciao!

President Paulette opened the meeting by welcoming our guests Scott Wassman (who was to be inducted) and his wife, Helen, and also partners Elaine Atkinson, Kerry Nieper and Judy Tilley, plus our guest speaker, Louise Webber, who is from the eRotary Club of Nurses and Midwives.

Rick Vickers then performed Scott's Induction. Scott was originally from Hawaii; he also had an electrical business in Brisbane, but both he and his wife now work for Queensland Health in Roma. Scott was also President of the Hamilton Rotary Club in Brisbane some years ago. Scott and his wife were welcomed by acclamation. Lionel Tilley will be Scott’s mentor.

Paulette then called forward Elaine A and Kerry N, and invited Mike G to speak.  Mike spoke of the Rotary Foundation’s array of projects that save and invigorate the lives of people around the world, and enhance international friendship and understanding, as today we recognise the lives of two beautiful ladies who demonstrate a shared purpose with the objectives of the Rotary Foundation to build world understanding and peace. We thank Elaine and Kerry for demonstrating in their lives and vocations, a commitment to helping persons in need here and around the world. They were then presented with the emblems of a Paul Harris Fellow – the Certificate and Lapel Pin, for their tangible and significant assistance to others, and to those in need.  We congratulate them both.

Paulette then asked for expressions of interest for the position of Membership/Marketing Director, and also someone to take over producing the Club Program, which would also involve finding one speaker each month.  She reminded us that planting day for the Koala Fodder was on Sunday 16th July.  There are 500 saplings to be planted , with the Council having dug the holes.  The MOU has now been signed.  
Roly N gave a brief update on the Golf Day.  We have 6 registrations so far.
Lionel T advised that the Calendar was going to the printer the following day.  We are using the same Graphic Artist we have used for the last 3 years.  98 photos were submitted.  The Calendar should be available by the end of the second week in August, and selling should commence by the end of August.  A huge ‘thank you’ to Lionel. 
Rick V advised that the Rotary Community Grants will open on the 15th July, and remain open for a period of 2 months.  $2,000 is available for each approved application.  The money is to be spent by the 10th December.
Chris B then conducted his fine session.  No one is safe, and there is no escape.  It is always a fun time.

Sherryl G introduced our Guest Speaker, Louise Webber, from the Global Rotary Club of Nurses and Midwives.  Louise is from Peregian on the Sunshine Coast, and her passion is skin/wound care.  She is a Wound Specialist and runs her own business. She has been a nurse for 30 years.  Due to computer/technical difficulties, Louise could not show us her presentations.  No problem, she talked us through her experiences.  The Global Rotary Nurses and Midwives Club was chartered in 2020 and Louise was asked to join.  They are a young Club and still finding their feet.  Most of the members are based in SE Queensland.  Their current President is based in Tanzania.  You must be a practising Nurse or Midwife to be a member.  Retired Nurses and Student Nurses are not eligible.  Fees are structured.  There are 3 tiers.  Nurses from Australia and developed countries pay a higher fee, whilst some members sponsor Nurses from other countries.  Members include Academics, Professors of Nursing, RN’S, Nurses/Midwives, including some who have worked with Medecins Sans Frontieres and the Mercy Ship, and those who have their own independent business.  They meet once a month internationally, and have a Guest speaker each month.  The logistics are interesting.  The Leadership team also meets once a month.  They also have a close association with the International College of Nurses.  One of the things that Louise noticed at our meeting on Wednesday night was the camaraderie between us, and she loved that.  She commented that they are not there yet, being such a young club, but it is challenging and fun.  They have 42 members from all over the world  -  Australia (WA, NSW and QLD), Mexico, Tanzania, Liberia, UK, Canada, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Rwanda, Malawi and Sierra Leone.  They are in the same District as we are, 9620.  One of their projects is to support Student Turkish Nurses who have lost their families, their homes and their University in the earthquake, and so cannot continue their studies.  They are hoping to raise $15,000.  A fundraiser is being held on the Sunshine Coast, a two day Conference, featuring Specialists on Wound Care, Diabetes, Mental Health, Aged Care and Clinicians.  They have 27 registrations for this. Their strengths are their clinical strengths and education.  They are also working on an International cookbook, with recipes from all over the world, which will sell as an ebook on line.  They support Solar Cases to the tune of $5,000 a year, as they do with Shelter Box.  The funds for Shelter Box are raised through Educational days, run by Louise and another nurse.  A raffle is usually included.  CPD (Continuing Professional Development) days are also run on a Cruise Ship.  These too, will include either a raffle or a Trivia Night. Shelter Boxes have been sent to the Philippines, PNG, and flood areas in N.S.W, as well as Turkey.    Another exciting innovation is the Three C’s Café.  This idea came from the UK. Training was provided for those responsible for running the Café.  They meet once a month, on line, and it is open to Nurses and Midwives all over the world.  It is a Forum for support for Nurses across the word, and a great way to share experiences.  People register via the website for the Three C’s Café, and a link is sent to them.  Networking with Nurses internationally brings home just how lucky we are in this country.  It is quite a diverse Club, but fascinating learning about other cultures.  The Club is always open to new ideas, and Louise especially likes the Calendar idea.  They want people who are passionate about Rotary, and want and need to bring their skills together……….find like-minded people, and explore what they can do.  There were several questions from the floor, and at the end, Fran T gave a vote of thanks.

02Aug  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Chris Brooker on Vietnam Veterans Day.

09Aug  Board Meeting

23Aug Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for DG Visit - Partners' Night

11th Jacinta Townsend  19th Janelle Anderson  26th Barry Tickle


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