Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Louise Webber on New Style Rotary Clubs.
5Jul 19Jul 2Aug
Duty Officer Sherryl G Ric T Jim A
ADO Fran T Greg W Michael G
Registration James McC Lionel T Laurelle O
Fellowship John McL Bill H Chris B
8th Jul 0830 - 1100 James McC Jim A Des C
1100 - 1330 John & Berenice McL Neil A
5th Aug 0830 - 1100 Fran T Bernice and John McL
1100 - 1330 Phillip S Greg W Ric T
- Changeover and Induction of New Members
It was wonderful last night to see some of our Rotary members who we haven’t seen in a while for one or another reasons. Malcolm and Nancy Baker plus Andy and Mia Schouteten were there together with Jack Wilcox and past member Bob Hall. I think everyone enjoyed the food and it was certainly noisy in the room with lots of conversations happening.
We finally inducted Lenah Komarenko, who has been sick; she was so nervous and elated at the same time - welcome Lenah. At this week’s meeting, we’ll be inducting another new member Scott Wassman, who was introduced by Lionel.
- Muscle on the Mountain Parking Sunday July 2.
Chris Brooker is asking for people to put their hands up for parking the spectators’ cars this Sunday morning from 6am to 12pm. He needs a lot of people to volunteer as it’s going to be a big event, with proceeds going to Prostate Cancer and to supporting our local community. He’s even offering a ‘fine free’ meeting next Wednesday night for all volunteers!
- Koala Fodder Plantation, Mapleton
Planting day is coming up soon on Sunday July 16 with the planting of the 500 specifically chosen eucalyptus tube stock. The ground will be prepared and the holes dug already. It starts at 9.00am with a formal opening by the Sunshine Coast Council and then the work begins. It’s happening at Spring Pastures Drive, Mapleton. There will be refreshments for the volunteers.
There will be people from various clubs and organizations to help out. Because of this, they are asking volunteers to register so they can keep track of the numbers. Nambour Rotary Club is responsible for running the event.
Here’s the link, so click on it and come along on the day to help feed sick and orphaned koalas -,
President Paulette opened the meeting by welcoming members and a guest, former Rotarian Scott Wassman, who has recently moved to Maleny. She congratulated Rick Vickers on receiving the Sunshine Coast Volunteer of the Year award that morning. She also confirmed that the Change Over Dinner would be held at the Hotel on 28 June in our normal meeting room. The two course meal cost would be $38 a head with alternate drops.
Roly N thanked all the team of members, partners, Interactors and others who had assisted in the Food Stall and at the gate in what appears to have been a record breaking Show. There were huge sales of food with the supplies purchased for both days being sold on the Friday. He said that he hoped to receive similar support for the Club's Golf Day on 30 September.
Ric T reported that the offsite parking arrangements for the Show raised $3,500 for the Mens Shed, Historical Society and the Car Club.
Sherryl said that the International Convention in Melbourne had been very well organised and she had been impressed, particularly with the use of the Theme "IMAGINE". The other attendees from the Club said how much they had enjoyed it.
After a financial assault from our Sergeant, our volunteer Guest Speaker was our own Rick Vickers, wearing one of his many hats. He is a nominee on the committee which is to report on the Sunshine Coast Council proposal to establish an ecological park in the hinterland on 65 hectares of land, adjacent to Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve.
The project provides an opportunity to expand our accessible green spaces by creating a unique destination for the whole community, inspired by the beautiful natural environment of the Sunshine Coast. An ecological park is a type of park that will support nature-based recreation, education, and research, whilst protecting, celebrating, and restoring the sites inherent environmental, natural, and cultural heritage values. The ecological park is a long term project aiming to restore natural ecosystems over many years and decades, allowing the community to be part of the restorative process. The vision for the ecological park is to create a place of cherished nature and ecological wonder for generations to discover and enjoy.
After a lively question and answer session, Keith gave Rick a well deserved vote of thanks.
12Jul Board Meeting.
19Jul Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting
21Jul RYDA training, Caloundra
02Aug Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Chris Brooker on VV Day
09Aug Board Meeting
23Aug Maleny hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for DG Visit - Partners' Night
11th Jacinta Townsend 19th Janelle Anderson 26th Barry Tickle
"The older I get, the more clearly
I remember things that never happened." - Mark Twain
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