Thursday 30 May 2024

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 5 June 2024

 THE RANGE Vol 65 No 21

Guides Hall in Cedar Street at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Peter Griffey to give an update on the Aquatic Centre on the Maleny Precinct.

Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.

                        05Jun           26Jun                
Duty Officer    Bruce K        John McL       
ADO                Scott W        Keith R
Registration     Brian A         Bernice McL
Fellowship       Michael G    Murray A

22Jun    0830 - 1100  Sherryl G   Chris B   Greg W

              1100 - 1330  Scott W   Keith R   Andy S

July dates to be announced

 I trust you are all excited about the Maleny Show tomorrow and Saturday! By the end of it, I’m sure there are going to be many exhausted people and a big thank you to all of you who are putting so much effort into this event again this year. We thought the rain would stay away, however it seems to be making its presence felt again. I think we’ve got to the point that we simply ignore it and have fun anyway!
For those that were at the last meeting, you will recall I said that we can’t have our meeting next week at the hotel because they want our room for the State of Origin. We are having it instead at the former Girl Guides building in Cedar St, on the left opposite the Fig Tree Medical Centre. This is now run by MDSRC. Let’s test it out and see how we go having our meeting there and it could become an alternative venue for when we can’t get our private room at the hotel. Although it has a fantastic new kitchen, we don’t have anyone cooking for us, so we will be ordering pizzas for the night. Therefore, it’s important if you can’t attend that you let us know and if you don’t come regularly that you let us know that you will be attending. Please let Bernice know by Tuesday. Unless I hear otherwise from Greg Williams, it will be BYO drinks and make sure you bring a glass as well so we don’t have to wash up at the end of the night. 

A lineup of guest speakers for our July meetings is as follows:

July 3 - Syd Shilling of Ecokaps on eco-friendly cleaning products:

July 17 - Peter Morley  of Shelterbox- talking about ‘Permission to Respond’

P Paulette welcomed members, guest Sue Carberry from MSHS and Guest Speaker Nathaniel Audley. A Special General Meeting followed to ratify our amended constitution and bylaws which was carried.

It was reported that:
- The Board had agreed to donate $1000 to the Community Kitchen towards the purchase of a new freezer.  Interact were also to donate $200.

- The Club will make a further donation of $1000 to the Rotary and USC Community Fund. 

- Roly gave a progress report on preparations for the Maleny Show. Jim also reported on the fluid state of arrangements for parking.

- P Paulette reminded members of the need to confirm their attendance and accommodation for Xmas in July at Yarraman. She also asked for volunteers for the MSHS mock interviews on 13 and 14 June.

- Bruce K gave details on the possible Tanzania and Ukraine projects.

= Sherryl G spoke about the arrangements for the Candlelight Ceremony at Tesch Park on 16th May.

- Sue Carberry gave an update on Interact and a thank you from the Maleny State High School for the Anzac Day books.

- Scott W gave a brief talk on the possibility of finding a new source of revenue, with a view to providing an activity for the long term and diversifying our reliance on existing fundraising activities.

- Due to the unavailability of the Maleny Hotel room, our next meeting will be at the old Guides Hall, in Cedar Street, Maleny. 

After the meal, our Sergeant delved into the pockets of one and all with a fines session, full of a wonderful mix of fact and fantasy.

The guest speaker was Nathaniel Audley. Nathaniel, who is now studying at Griffith University, spoke about his attendance at the Rotary Youth Transition Seminar and the positive changes he has made in his own life as a result. He talked of his initial contact with Rotary being through Interact at Maleny State High School in his first year there. He continued to highlight the many positives of his continuing association with Rotary and his intent to join a Rotaract club in Brisbane.
Nathaniel has been a prior guest of our club; many may remember a youth, trying to overcome his shyness and lack of confidence speaking in that situation. He has become a young man with confidence and articulation that will hold him in good stead for the rest of his life. He gratefully acknowledged that his association with Interact in the first instance, followed by a continuing relationship with the Maleny Club as a whole, helping where possible at the Club's various activities, has informed many of his pursuits and decisions to date.

He displayed a level of maturity and confidence in his well articulated talk, that we would all like to see in our children/grandchildren.

Neil gave the vote of thanks.

Greg Williams gave a brief, for him, talk on bowel cancer. Highlighting two very important points; the first being that early detection can lead to cure and the second being the frightening thought that bowel cancer is most prevalent in 15 to 49 year olds. His takeaway message was "if needs be, purchase a bowel scan kit from the local pharmacy and send it off". For the majority of the population the kits are provided free every two years by the government.

The meeting closed at 8:30pm.

12Jun  Board Meeting

19Jun  No meeting

26Jun  Changeover Night at Brouhaha, Coral Street

02Jul  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm with Guest Speaker Syd Shilling of Ecokaps.


He has found a wine with a vibrant label but debatable product description.

May be considered overpriced, but when young, this delicious drop is fresh, lively, intoxicating and tantalising to the palate.  After maturity tends to be more full bodied, slightly vinegary and a tendency to give headaches with excessive consumption.

Apart from the work needed on the product description, he also needs guidance on the brand name.  The best he has come up with is "OLD TART WINE".

To become his marketing consultant, please ring ..........

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