Saturday 15 June 2024

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 19th June 2024

 THE RANGE Vol 65 No 22

Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:oopm for a Business Meeting.

Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.

                         19Jun                  03Jul                 17Jul
Duty Officer      John McL            Malcolm B          Chris B      
ADO                  Keith R               Michael G          Sherryl G
Registration      Bernice McL       James McC         Fran T
Fellowship         Murray A            Bill H                   Lionel T

22Jun    0830 - 1100  Sherryl G    Chris B    Greg W

              1100 - 1330  Scott W    Keith R    Andy S

20Jul    0830 - 1100  Jim A    Bruce K    Roly N

              1100 - 1330  Lionel T    John & Bernice McL

I simply wish to say thanks to everyone for supporting me during my two years as President. It has been a pleasure doing this role, especially with the wonderful support from my secretaries, Bernice McLennan and Michael Gregory, treasurer Jim Atkinson and the great team of people on the committee. Also, I'm so grateful to the various subcommittees that run quietly in the background, yet do so much towards the running of many successful activities in our Club. 

I fully support our President-Elect, Scott Wassman, who is already getting involved in several activities and meeting with various members to engage them in our activities. So the new year is looking extremely promising with Scott.

This meeting was held at the old Girl Guides Hut on Cedar Street due to a State of Origin function at the Maleny Hotel. President Paulette opened the meeting by welcoming members and our Guest Speaker Peter Giffey.

The menu was a special Maleny Show dinner of Pumpkin or Pea & Ham Soup, Steakburgers and Maleny Ice Cream prepared by John, Bernice, Paulette, Gillian, and others (apologies to those not mentioned by name).  President Paulette reminded members that Saturday 15 June will be when the shipping container at Bernice & John's will be improved by the new shelving. Volunteers are required from about 9.3am for a couple hours. The Astronomy Night at the Golf Club is on Saturday 8 June with car parking volunteers needed from 4.30pm.

Roly and Jim were asked to give a quick Show Update. There were plenty of helpers and it all went well. The steakburgers sold better than the hamburgers, with bacon & egg burgers going very well on Saturday morning. Bundeberg Ginger Beer was a strong seller in spite of the price premium. There was leftover food due to the drop in show attendance with the poor weather, but initial indications are the club cleared about $10,000, with 20% going back to the Show Society. Some of this leftover food was donated to the Peoples Kitchen while the remaining steaks were available to buy after the meeting.

The Mock Job Interviews for Maleny High School students will be on Thursday 13th & Friday 14th June. Two more volunteers put up their hands to assist in what looks to be about 90 interviews. Lastly, President Paulette acknowledged and welcomed Gillian Allen to the meeting and also thanked Bernice and John for their efforts catering for the meeting.  

ADO Scott introduced our Guest Speaker Peter Giffey, who has been our long-standing local QAS Officer for over 25 years, and a Rotary Group Study Exchange (GSE) recipient in 2008 when he went to Brazil teaching rescue techniques to firefighters. He was speaking in his role as one of the driving forces behind efforts to build an 8-lane 50 metre Indoor Pool at the Precinct.  Peter briefly went through the history of the QAS in Maleny, with a special mention of John McLennan's role,  before moving to discuss his vision and how his committee hope there are ways they can work with Rotary to turn their plans into a reality. He explained there are two pool projects, his which is the Indoor Aquatic Centre  ‘Fun Pool’, and the other which is the Hydrotherapy Pool. At this time, they are totally separate projects although both looking at locating in the Precinct.

Generally, the community wants a new pool because the Primary School pool is reaching the end of its life and rebuilding in the same location perpetuates a serious traffic and safety issue. The Aquatic Centre has finished their Concept Design for an indoor 50 metre pool with 8 lanes, water slide, zero-depth pool for the littlies, changerooms, café, parking, landscaping, etc., and are now needing to raise about $250K for the next stage of design and engineering. An initial meeting has already happened with the new Mayor Rosanna Natoli as funding support from the SCRC is critical for all stages of this project, including ongoing operating costs.

The initial cost estimate through construction is $10M. Peter acknowledged this project requires the entire community to get behind it, needing ideas and partnerships which can raise an initial $250K as quickly as possible. This will demonstrate to the politicians how the people of Maleny feel about having this facility which can provide a world-class pool for our school children, community members, and potentially even as a 2032 Pre-Olympics Training Pool for some of the smaller Pacific Island Swimming Teams.  After a few follow-up questions Scott thanked Peter for his talk and presented him with our RC of Maleny Platypus gift bag.

The Sergeant deferred fines for the night as a sign of respect for the 1st State of Origin Match…which was kicking off shortly. 

The meeting closed at 8:30pm.

26Jun  Changeover Night at Brouhaha, Coral Street

02Jul  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm with Guest Speaker Syd Shilling of Ecokaps

09Jul  Board Meeting

16Jul  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting



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