Saturday 29 June 2024

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 3rd July 2024

THE RANGE Vol 66 No 1                                                                         
Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Syd Shilling of Ecokaps.

Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.

                          03Jul                 17Jul                7Aug
 Officer              Malcolm B        Chris  B            Rick V
ADO                  Michael G         Sherryl G         Bruce K             
Registration      James McC       Fran T              Brian A        
Fellowship        Bill H                 Lionel T            John W          

20Jul    0830 - 1100  Jim A    Bruce K    Roly N

              1100 - 1330  Lionel T    John & Bernice McL

17Aug   0830 - 1100  Phillip S   Fran T   Brian A

              1100 - 1330  Rick V   Paulette S   Andy S

It is a thrill writing my first Presidents’ Message for our Bulletin.

The Rotary Theme for this year is ‘The Magic of Rotary. Figuratively, life has more meaning when we use both our hands to serve; one for ourselves, and one for others. The real magic happens when Rotary allows each of us to use our expertise, experience, and energy in identifying opportunities and making a difference through serving others.  For myself, living a life of simple core values, with some passion is what gives me a reason, and meaning.  Rotary can be a platform which allows each of us to find these values and passions, make some sense of the World and fulfill our deeper purpose. 

Our Changeover on Wednesday night was a wonderful occasion with over 60 attending for a night of fellowship, fun and a little bit of necessary ceremony.  Having now been to several Changeovers across the Sunshine Coast in the last week, I say with confidence the canapes and meal presented by Brouhaha, and cake created by Zo & Co were outstanding.

 Our magician, Mike Tyler, blended in throughout the evening and kept us mightily entertained and mystified.

Of course, Changeover has a serious purpose where the good work and successes achieved by the current years’ team are acknowledged before installation of the next President and team of Office Bearers. This is also when the new vision and goals for the coming year are briefly outlined.  

This year we are going to focus on our Youth by building up and empowering Interact and expanding our engagement with the Primary Schools in our area, our Local and International Communities by leveraging the Rotary ‘ Say No to Domestic Violence, Say Yes to Respectful Relationships’ campaign in order to continue build on the efforts and successes of ‘Speak Up Now’, and our Environment with what we hope is going to stay a long-term Club commitment to develop a Masterplan Strategy for the Mary River Freshwater System from Obi Obi Creek to the mouth of the Mary River and into the Great Sandy Strait.  As I said during my speech. “This ‘simple’ sentence hides incredible complexity, but, like Polio Plus, without these ambitious goals, planning, and perseverance nothing of significance is achieved, and the most significant freshwater system in our own backyard will not thrive for future generations.”

Changeover also marked the beginning of our fundraising efforts for the Ukrainian Civilian First Aid Kits. We have set a $10,000 target for this project. The programme of other fundraising activities will be announced by International Director Greg Williams in coming weeks.

I am looking forward to what we can achieve together this year. Lastly, your President and Service Directors are here to serve. If you know of any opportunities where our club could make a difference, please talk with one of us about your idea.

 The lovely prizes of wine and skincare products were won by Brian and Gillian Allan. 

                                            The new Board and Past District Governors

There was something of an end of term and relaxed feeling for this evening as this was President Paulette's final meeting in that role. Members were ready to thank her for her leadership and wish her successor well.

- Special thanks were extended to those volunteers who had fitted the new shelving in the container last Saturday; this was a huge improvement..

- Similar thanks also to those who conducted the Mock Job Interviews for Maleny High School students.  

- Sherryl gave an update on the activities of  Speak Up Now.  She also suggested that members should take advantage of a special offer to buy T shirts to support the programme.  These are illustrated below.

I am unsure how the masked raider appeared in this photograph but have been assured that it is not part of Sherryl's proposal.

Bruce K gave an update, including maps and pictures, of his dealings with RC of Cherkasy in Ukraine.  Unfortunately the front line of the war is close to the city and he has, understandibly, not been able to establish communications directly with the Club about a First Aid Box project..  He is considering  looking for another contact through Rotary International.

Scott W spoke briefly about the arrangements for the Changeover Dinner at Brouhaha.  Reports in the local media  show him undertaking his new role at the Lions Changeover.

The Sergeant made up for lost time at the previous meeting by launching a heavy attack on his unfortunate audience.

The meeting closed at 8:30pm.

10Jul  Board Meeting

17Jul  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting plus  Peter Morley of Shelterbox                   talking about ‘Permission to Respond’

27/28 Jul  Christmas in July trip to Yarraman.

31Jul  Possible Vocational Night


Past District Governors
Kerry, Elaine and John

Renee, Sissel Kelly and Rob Dodd

The Four J's - Judy ,Judy, Jan and John

James McCormack and Sue Carberry

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