Thursday 11 July 2024

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 7th August 2024

 THE RANGE Vol 66 No 3                                                                         

The Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a  Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Tim Bagshaw on Pqain Evolution Collective.

Apologies please to Bernice by noon on Tuesday.

                         7Aug            21Aug                7Sep
 DO                   Rick V          Neil A                
ADO                Bruce K         Craig S             
Registration      Brian A          Laurelle O
Fellowship        John W         Jim A          

17Aug   0830 - 1100  Phillip S   Fran T   Brian A

              1100 - 1330  Rick V   Paulette S   Andy S

14Sep    0830 - 1100  Sherryl G    Chris B    ANO

              1100 - 1330   Neil A    Bruce K   Greg W 

The fellowship in evidence during our first meeting of the new Rotary year was nice to see. While every Rotary club seems to have its own ‘feel’, one of the common features I’ve found in those clubs I’ve visited is how the members all bond together in fellowship and friendship, while still being welcoming and inclusive to others. I won’t try to claim this is being unique to Rotarians, but it certainly reinforces one of the key factors which drew me into Rotary and now keeps me looking for ways to work for our communities and further afield. 

Some people outside of Rotary probably like to maintain an old-fashioned image of Rotarians as slightly elitist. The reality is much more nuanced and I believe much more about individuals coming together to work with other equally skilled people to serve others once an opportunity, need, or issue is identified.  It’s all about the best way to move a mountain. As Rotarians we should be proud of our capacity to harness our individual strengths and multiply this into projects and programmes with much greater impacts and benefits.

Thanks to those members who assisted the RC of Mooloolaba with the Garden Expo Carparking at Nambour. Unfortunately, both the Stargazing and Muscle on the Mountain events were postponed. Once a new date has been fixed for Muscle on the Mountain our Parking Guru will be looking for a full roster of volunteers.   

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our Partners Night on Wednesday at the Masonic Lodge in Tamarind Street. 

President Scott opened the meeting and introduced our guest speaker, Syd Shilling, and two guests, Sue Carbery and Jamie Pollack.  He then gave us a Rotary information spot on the ten years battle all the way to the US Supreme Court by a Californian Rotary Club to have women accepted as Rotarians and reminded us that the Garden Expo started tomorrow.  The TS Centaur Support Committee has been dissolved and its duties would be divided between MDSRC and our Club.  He read out a lovely letter of thanks from the Junior Show Princess, whom we sponsored, and she is now headed for the Regional Finals.  

Sherryl then spoke about the NAIDOC Week book launch in partnership with Rosetta’s on 8 July with a percentage of the proceeds from every book sold being donated to SUN, reminded us about the Red Dress Day on 28 July, and she is taking orders for the DV purple shirts and caps.  Greg reported about our plans to raise $10,000 for first aid kits in Ukraine which would include an event with a ‘star’ guest speaker.  Roly updated us on the upcoming Golf Day and noted that we still had plentiful supplies left over from the Show to feed us at our meeting at the Lodge on 17 July.  Finally, Chris spoke about parking duties at Muscle on the Mountain which was later postponed due to the wet weather.

Greg introduced our guest speaker, Syd Shilling (a Rotarian from Mooloolaba), to talk about his company ECOKAPS.  They produce dissolvable cleaning products that replace the need to ship water-based substitutes all over the world and completely eradicate the need for single-use plastic bottles.  ECOKAPS dissolvable tablets are clinically proven to work and are cheaper because of transport savings so there is no inconvenience or cost barrier to change from the traditional cleaning products.  In fact, the washing machine product only costs 27c per wash.  They contain no nasty chemicals (they are rigorously tested independently) so they are good for the planet hence the Eco label and can be purchased from IGA or online.  There is also a special travel kit containing everything you need for cleaning things while on the road.  Sturdy containers are also available.  There is a scheme for Rotary Clubs to earn a commission on sales as the Mooloolaba RC does.  Syd gave everyone a detailed brochure, some samples of windscreen washer tablets, and answered many questions. Michael gave the vote of thanks for a very interesting presentation and presented Syd with our unique bag with calendar etc.

There being no further business, President Scott closed the meeting.              

18Jul   RYDA at Caloundra

27/28Jul  Christmas in July trip to Yarraman.

31Jul  Possible Vocational Night

07Aug  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker Kym Phillips on 'Moving made easy.'

14Aug  Board Meeting



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