Friday, 1 July 2022

Rotary Club of Maleny Bulletin for 6th July 2022

 THE RANGE"  Vol. 65 No.1


Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for Dinner and Guest Speaker Rachel Aspinall on her Koala Project.

Apologies please to Bernice before noon on Tuesday.

                           6 Jul           20 July            3 Aug
Duty Officer        Fran T        Rick V             Jim A
Assist DO           
Roly N        Renee H         Chris B
Registration        Alan W       Malcolm B       Jeff C
Fellowship          Bill H          John McL        James McC

0730 -1030   Malcolm B   Sherryl G   Roly N 

           1030 - 1330   Chris B   Bill H    Jim A

08 Aug  0730 - 1030  Des C   Rick V   Fran T   

            1030 - 1330    Andy S   John & Bernice McL  

This is my first time as President to write for this bulletin that Keith Rogers regularly compiles for us and does such a great job of too. We had a fabulous changeover dinner on Wednesday night at the RSL Hall and I’ve heard only positive comments from people about how they enjoyed the evening. The food was delicious and the tables looked lovely with the beautiful camelias from Bernice and John’s garden. Special thanks also to Roly Neiper for his polished performance as Master of Ceremonies.

I want to say a big thanks again to Greg Williams for his enthusiasm and the terrific job he did as President for two years steering our club to continue it’s growth and the social camaraderie that exists amongst long term members and more recent ones. My wish is to continue this long into the future.

A highlight of the evening was the presentation of an award to John Whan to honour his 50 years of Rotary service - many congratulations John!

I would also l like to thank particularly those members who have agreed to serve on the incoming Board shown below.  A special mention for Craig who was unfortunately absent because of Covid.

The next three months are going to be super busy with various functions and events coming up. First up is the Farewell to Rob & Sam Outridge at the RSL on Thursday 21 July from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. This is a drinks and nibbles affair and you must register to attend as numbers are restricted. Use this link it is a free event.

Next and on the same day, Thursday 21 July, Maleny State High School and Maleny Flexi School are attending the RYDA driving safety program at Corbould Park in Caloundra. This is the second year that the Maleny schools have attended and they were keen to send more students this year. I am going to be the Day Manager that day and although there are people helping out from the other clubs on that day, it’s always appreciated if the day our schools are there if we can have some volunteers from our Maleny club. We are looking for up to 8 people to volunteer however it would be great if we could have 4 to 5 people. Will talk more about this at our dinner meeting next Wednesday 6 July.

Following that on 31 August, we are having our Pride of Workmanship Awards, once again at the RSL Hall. Alan Wilson, Greg Williams and myself started walking around town last Friday talking to businesses and handing out the application forms. Craig Sim, while at home with Covid this week, has sent emails with the application forms to about 200 businesses that aren’t in the hub of Maleny where we can walk around. There are so many places that we just can’t get to and probably aren’t going to read it in newsletters, local papers and Facebook.

And the last thing we have organized is, of course, our inaugural Maleny Rotary Golf Day on Friday 2 September. I know Roly and Craig and others have this in hand. We just have to trust the weather gods are on our side that day.

I’ll see many of you on 6 July at our dinner meeting. Our guest speaker is Rachel Aspinall, whom most of you will have heard Greg and myself mention a few times in recent months. Rachel is a koala carer in Mapleton and is the person with whom we and other Rotary clubs are working, in conjunction with the Sunshine Coast Council, to establish a Koala Fodder Plantation. I look forward to hosting Rachel next week at our dinner.

President Greg opened the meeting by welcoming members and Guest Wayne Parcel before the usual formalities.   Greg noted that this was to be his final meeting as President and expressed his sincere thanks to the Board and members for their full support during his period in office. He wished Paulette every success when she takes over as President and hoped for an excellent Change Over Night at the RSL on 29 June. He highlighted forthcoming events:

21 July RYDA - Rotary Driver Education in Caloundra:
This program will again be held at Corbould Park. MSHS students will be attending that day and it will be one of our leading Youth Projects for the year. We are expected to provide volunteers for that day and at least one of the other days of the program. Paulette will advise us on upcoming training and other details over the coming weeks.

2022 Pride of Workmanship Awards Dinner:
Planning for this event to be held on 31 August has begun. With this project so closely linked to our business roots, and with local businesses within our community, it is our hope that as many of our Maleny Rotarians as possible can attend this ceremony. Further details as to venue and costs will be available in the near future.

The Club’s guest speaker for the evening was Wayne Parcell who spoke on the upcoming Rangebow Festival to be held from 10 – 13 August. Wayne, now living in Montville after aspiring to live on the Range from a young age, initially became closely involved in his local community when he took a leading role in convincing members of the Montville Village Association to agree to his proposal for a project to the upgrade the local tennis courts which had, over the years, significantly deteriorated to the extent they had become a local embarrassment. The project was an extraordinary success. 

After Wayne’s proposal was accepted the committee set to work and raised $300,000 for the upgrade which, on completion, has now given Montville a wonderful asset. The courts are now a hub of community activity and have made a real difference to the community. 

As an acknowledgement of Wayne’s leadership role in delivering a highly successful outcome on the tennis courts project, he was asked by the Association to organise a local mardi gras which he declined to do. However, he suggested an alternative proposal – a Rangebow Festival – and this was readily accepted. 

Wayne’s idea of the Festival is demonstrated through positive messages that the Festival themes of diversity, community, reconciliation, sustainability, inclusion, expression and creativity are integral to the wellbeing of a cohesive community valuing everyone and their contribution individually and together. 

The Festival will include a wide range of events conducted in Maleny, Montville, Mapleton and Nambour – details of the events can be found on At the conclusion of his address, Wayne made a request for volunteers to assist in the running of the event. 

The vote of thanks was given by Phillip and the meeting closed at 8.30pm. 

13th Jul  Board Meeting

20th Jul  Maleny Hotel at 6:30 for 7:00pm for a Business Meeting

21st Jul  RYDA at Corbould Park

3rd Aug  Maleny Hotel at 6.30 for 7.00pm for a Dinner Meeting with Guest Speaker TBA.

10 Aug  Board Meeting

11th Jacinta Townsend  26th Barry Tickle


The inventor of the treadmill died at the age of 54.

The inventor of gymnastics died at the age of 57.

The world body building champion died at the age of 41.

The best soccer player in the world, Maradona, died at the age of 60.

And then...

The KFC inventor died at 94.

Inventor of the Nutella brand died at the age of 88.

Cigarette maker Winston died at the age of 102.

The inventor of opium died at the age of 116 - in an earthquake.

Hennessy cognac's Irish inventor died at 98.

How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life?

The rabbit is always jumping, but it lives for only 2 years.

The turtle that doesn't exercise at all, lives 200 years.


Have a drink...

Take a nap ...

And when you wake up, have some bacon and eggs.




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